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[Axiom-developer] 20090317.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 rewrite generated lisp

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20090317.01.tpd.patch (bookvol5 rewrite generated lisp)
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 00:17:17 -0600

Machine generated code is not idiomatic lisp.
Rewrite and refactor the code.

diff --git a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
index 6c47b62..1b42dec 100644
--- a/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol5.pamphlet
@@ -1686,57 +1686,50 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 <<defun clearSpad2Cmd>>=
-(defun |clearSpad2Cmd| (|l|)
- (prog (|$clearExcept| |opt| |optList| |arg|)
-  (declare (special |$clearExcept|))
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (progn
-     (setq |$clearExcept| nil)
-     (cond 
-      (|$options|
-       (setq |$clearExcept|
-        (prog (t0)
-         (setq t0 t)
-         (return
-          (do ((t1 nil (null t0))
-               (t2 |$options| (cdr t2))
-               (t3 nil))
-              ((or t1 
-                   (atom t2)
-                   (progn (setq t3 (car t2)) nil)
-                   (progn (progn (setq |opt| (car t3)) t3) nil))
-                 t0)
-           (seq 
-            (exit 
-             (setq t0
-              (and t0 
-                   (eq
-                    (|selectOptionLC| |opt| '(|except|) '|optionError|)
-                    '|except|)))))))))))
+(defun |clearSpad2Cmd| (l)
+  (let (|$clearExcept| |opt| |optList| |arg|)
+  (declare (special |$clearExcept| |$options| |$clearOptions|))
+  (setq |$clearExcept| nil)
+  (cond 
+   (|$options|
+    (setq |$clearExcept|
+     (prog (t0)
+      (setq t0 t)
+      (return
+       (do ((t1 nil (null t0))
+            (t2 |$options| (cdr t2))
+            (t3 nil))
+           ((or t1 
+                (atom t2)
+                (progn (setq t3 (car t2)) nil)
+                (progn (progn (setq |opt| (car t3)) t3) nil))
+              t0)
+        (setq t0
+         (and t0 
+              (eq
+               (|selectOptionLC| |opt| '(|except|) '|optionError|)
+               '|except|)))))))))
+  (cond
+   ((null l)
+     (setq |optList|
+      (prog (t4)
+       (setq t4 nil)
+       (return
+        (do ((t5 |$clearOptions| (cdr t5)) (x nil))
+            ((or (atom t5) (progn (setq x (car t5)) nil)) t4)
+         (setq t4 (append t4 `(|%l| "       " ,x)))))))
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0010 (cons |optList| nil)))
+   (t
+     (setq |arg|
+      (|selectOptionLC| (car l) '(|all| |completely| |scaches|) nil))
-      ((null |l|)
-        (setq |optList|
-         (prog (t4)
-          (setq t4 nil)
-          (return
-           (do ((t5 |$clearOptions| (cdr t5)) (|x| nil))
-               ((or (atom t5) (progn (setq |x| (car t5)) nil)) t4)
-            (seq
-             (exit
-              (setq t4 
-               (append t4 (cons '|%l| (cons "       " (cons |x| nil)))))))))))
-        (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0010 (cons |optList| nil)))
-      (t
-        (setq |arg|
-         (|selectOptionLC| (car |l|) '(|all| |completely| |scaches|) nil))
-        (cond
-         ((eq |arg| '|all|) (|clearCmdAll|))
-         ((eq |arg| '|completely|) (|clearCmdCompletely|))
-         ((eq |arg| '|scaches|) (|clearCmdSortedCaches|))
-         (|$clearExcept| (|clearCmdExcept| |l|))
-         (t
-          (|clearCmdParts| |l|) (|updateCurrentInterpreterFrame|)))))))))) 
+      ((eq |arg| '|all|)        (|clearCmdAll|))
+      ((eq |arg| '|completely|) (|clearCmdCompletely|))
+      ((eq |arg| '|scaches|)    (|clearCmdSortedCaches|))
+      (|$clearExcept|           (|clearCmdExcept| l))
+      (t 
+       (|clearCmdParts| l)
+       (|updateCurrentInterpreterFrame|))))))) 
@@ -1751,24 +1744,18 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 <<defun clearCmdSortedCaches>>=
 (defun |clearCmdSortedCaches| ()
- (prog (|$lookupDefaults| |domain| |pair|)
-  (declare (special |$lookupDefaults|))
-  (return
-   (seq 
-    (progn 
-     (setq |$lookupDefaults| nil)
-     (do ((t0 (hget |$ConstructorCache| '|SortedCache|) (cdr t0)) 
-          (t1 nil))
-         ((or (atom t0) 
-              (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
-              (progn (progn (setq |domain| (cddr t1)) t1) nil))
-            nil)
-      (seq
-       (exit
-        (progn
-         (setq |pair|
-          (|compiledLookupCheck| '|clearCache| (cons |$Void| nil) |domain|))
-         (spadcall |pair|)))))))))) 
+ (let (|$lookupDefaults| domain pair)
+  (declare (special |$lookupDefaults| |$Void| |$ConstructorCache|))
+  (do ((t0 (hget |$ConstructorCache| '|SortedCache|) (cdr t0)) 
+       (t1 nil))
+      ((or (atom t0) 
+           (progn
+            (setq t1 (car t0)) 
+            (setq domain (cddr t1))
+            nil))
+         nil)
+    (setq pair (|compiledLookupCheck| '|clearCache| (list |$Void|) domain))
+    (spadcall pair))))
@@ -1796,7 +1783,10 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 <<defun clearCmdCompletely>>=
 (defun |clearCmdCompletely| ()
- (progn (|clearCmdAll|)
+  (declare (special |$localExposureData| |$xdatabase| |$CatOfCatDatabase|
+    |$DomOfCatDatabase| |$JoinOfCatDatabase| |$JoinOfDomDatabase| 
+    |$attributeDb| |$functionTable| |$existingFiles|))
+  (|clearCmdAll|)
   (setq |$localExposureData| (copy-seq |$localExposureDataDefault|))
   (setq |$xdatabase| nil)
   (setq |$CatOfCatDatabase| nil)
@@ -1811,8 +1801,7 @@ system function and constructor caches.
   (setq |$existingFiles| (make-hashtable 'UEQUAL))
   (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0014 nil)
-  (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0015 nil)
-  nil)) 
+  (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0015 nil))
@@ -1840,7 +1829,9 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 <<defun clearCmdAll>>=
 (defun |clearCmdAll| ()
- (progn
+  (declare (special |$frameRecord| |$previousBindings| |$variableNumberAlist|
+     |$InteractiveFrame| |$useInternalHistoryTable| |$internalHistoryTable|
+     |$frameMessages| |$interpreterFrameName| |$currentLine|))
   (setq |$frameRecord| nil)
   (setq |$previousBindings| nil)
@@ -1848,47 +1839,28 @@ system function and constructor caches.
   (|untraceMapSubNames| /tracenames)
   (setq |$InteractiveFrame| (list (list nil)))
-  (cond
-   (|$useInternalHistoryTable| (setq |$internalHistoryTable| nil))
-   (t (|deleteFile| (|histFileName|))))
+  (when |$useInternalHistoryTable| 
+    (setq |$internalHistoryTable| nil)
+   (|deleteFile| (|histFileName|)))
   (setq |$IOindex| 1)
   (setq |$currentLine| ")clear all")
-  (cond 
-   (|$frameMessages|
-     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0011 (cons |$interpreterFrameName| nil)))
-   (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0012 nil))))) 
+  (when |$frameMessages|
+    (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0011 (list |$interpreterFrameName|))
+    (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0012 nil)))
-;clearCmdExcept(l is [opt,:vl]) ==
-;  --clears elements of vl of all options EXCEPT opt
-;  for option in $clearOptions |
-;    ^stringPrefix?(object2String opt,object2String option)
-;      repeat clearCmdParts [option,:vl]
+Clear all the options except the argument.
 <<defun clearCmdExcept>>=
 (defun |clearCmdExcept| (arg)
- (prog (opt vl)
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (progn
-     (setq opt (car arg))
-     (setq vl (cdr arg))
-     (do ((t0 |$clearOptions| (cdr t0)) (option nil))
-         ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq option (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-      (seq
-       (exit
-        (cond
-         ((null 
-           (|stringPrefix?| 
-            (|object2String| opt) 
-            (|object2String| option)))
-           (|clearCmdParts| (cons option vl)))))))))))) 
+ (let ((opt (car arg)) (vl (cdr arg)))
+ (declare (special |$clearOptions|))
+  (dolist (option |$clearOptions|)
+   (unless (|stringPrefix?| (|object2String| opt) (|object2String| option))
+    (|clearCmdParts| (cons option vl))))))
@@ -1938,77 +1910,63 @@ system function and constructor caches.
 <<defun clearCmdParts>>=
 (defun |clearCmdParts| (arg)
- (prog (|$e| |opt| |option| |pmacs| |imacs| |vl| |p1| |lm| |prop| |p2|)
-  (declare (special |$e|))
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (progn
-     (setq |opt| (car arg))
-     (setq |vl| (cdr arg))
-     (setq |option| (|selectOptionLC| |opt| |$clearOptions| '|optionError|))
-     (setq |option| (intern (pname |option|)))
-     (setq |option|
-      (cond 
-       ((eq |option| '|types|) '|mode|)
-       ((eq |option| '|modes|) '|mode|)
-       ((eq |option| '|values|) '|value|)
-       (t |option|)))
-     (cond
-      ((null |vl|) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0055 nil))
-      (t
-       (setq |pmacs| (|getParserMacroNames|))
-       (setq |imacs| (|getInterpMacroNames|))
-       (cond
-        ((boot-equal |vl| '(|all|))
-         (setq |vl| (assocleft (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)))
-         (setq |vl| (remdup (append |vl| |pmacs|)))))
-       (setq |$e| |$InteractiveFrame|)
-       (do ((t0 |vl| (cdr t0)) (|x| nil))
-           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |x| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-        (seq
-         (exit
-          (progn
-           (|clearDependencies| |x| t)
-           (cond
-            ((and (eq |option| '|properties|) (|member| |x| |pmacs|))
-              (|clearParserMacro| |x|)))
-           (cond 
-            ((and (eq |option| '|properties|) 
-                  (|member| |x| |imacs|)
-                  (null (|member| |x| |pmacs|)))
-             (|sayMessage| (cons 
-              "   You cannot clear the definition of the system-defined macro "
-               (cons (|fixObjectForPrinting| |x|) 
-                     (cons (intern "." "BOOT") nil))))))
-           (cond
-            ((setq |p1| (|assoc| |x| (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)))
+ (let (|$e| (opt (car arg)) option pmacs imacs (vl (cdr arg)) p1 lm prop p2)
+ (declare (special |$e| |$InteractiveFrame| |$clearOptions|))
+  (setq option (|selectOptionLC| opt |$clearOptions| '|optionError|))
+  (setq option (intern (pname option)))
+  (setq option
+   (case option
+    (|types| '|mode|)
+    (|modes| '|mode|)
+    (|values| '|value|)
+    (t option)))
+  (if (null vl)
+   (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0055 nil)
+   (progn
+    (setq pmacs (|getParserMacroNames|))
+    (setq imacs (|getInterpMacroNames|))
+    (cond
+     ((boot-equal vl '(|all|))
+      (setq vl (assocleft (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)))
+      (setq vl (remdup (append vl pmacs)))))
+    (setq |$e| |$InteractiveFrame|)
+    (do ((t0 vl (cdr t0)) (x nil))
+        ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq x (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+      (|clearDependencies| x t)
+      (when (and (eq option '|properties|) (|member| x pmacs))
+        (|clearParserMacro| x))
+      (when (and (eq option '|properties|) 
+                 (|member| x imacs)
+                 (null (|member| x pmacs)))
+        (|sayMessage| (cons 
+         "   You cannot clear the definition of the system-defined macro "
+          (cons (|fixObjectForPrinting| x) 
+                (cons (intern "." "BOOT") nil)))))
+      (cond
+       ((setq p1 (|assoc| x (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)))
+        (cond
+         ((eq option '|properties|)
+          (cond
+           ((|isMap| x)
+            (seq
-              ((eq |option| '|properties|)
+              ((setq lm 
+                (|get| x '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
-                ((|isMap| |x|)
-                 (seq
-                  (cond
-                   ((setq |lm| 
-                     (|get| |x| '|localModemap| |$InteractiveFrame|))
-                    (cond
-                     ((pairp |lm|)
-                     (exit (|untraceMapSubNames| (cons (cadar |lm|) nil))))))
-                   (t nil)))))
-               (do ((t1 (cdr |p1|) (cdr t1)) (|p2| nil))
-                   ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |p2| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
-                (seq
-                 (exit
-                  (progn
-                   (setq |prop| (car |p2|))
-                   (|recordOldValue| |x| |prop| (cdr |p2|))
-                   (|recordNewValue| |x| |prop| nil)))))
-               (setf (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)
-                (|deleteAssoc| |x| (caar |$InteractiveFrame|))))
-              ((setq |p2| (|assoc| |option| (cdr |p1|)))
-               (|recordOldValue| |x| |option| (cdr |p2|))
-               (|recordNewValue| |x| |option| nil)
-               (rplacd |p2| nil)))))))))
-       nil))))))) 
+                ((pairp lm)
+                (exit (|untraceMapSubNames| (cons (cadar lm) nil))))))
+              (t nil)))))
+          (dolist (p2 (cdr p1))
+            (setq prop (car p2))
+            (|recordOldValue| x prop (cdr p2))
+            (|recordNewValue| x prop nil))
+          (setf (caar |$InteractiveFrame|)
+           (|deleteAssoc| x (caar |$InteractiveFrame|))))
+         ((setq p2 (|assoc| option (cdr p1)))
+          (|recordOldValue| x option (cdr p2))
+          (|recordNewValue| x option nil)
+          (rplacd p2 nil))))))
+    nil))))
@@ -2055,9 +2013,9 @@ the entire Axiom session.
 Returns the number of active scratchpad clients
 <<defun queryClients>>=
 (defun |queryClients| ()
- (progn
+  (declare (special |$SessionManager| |$QueryClients|))
   (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$QueryClients|)
-  (|sockGetInt| |$SessionManager|))) 
+  (|sockGetInt| |$SessionManager|)) 
@@ -2092,48 +2050,34 @@ Returns the number of active scratchpad clients
 <<defun close>>=
 (defun |close| (args)
- (prog (numClients opt fullopt quiet x)
-  (return
-   (seq
+ (let (numClients opt fullopt quiet x)
+ (declare (special |$SpadServer| |$SessionManager| |$CloseClient|
+     |$currentFrameNum| |$options|))
+  (if (null |$SpadServer|) 
+   (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0071 nil))
+   (progn
+    (setq numClients (|queryClients|))
-     (|$saturn|
-      (|sayErrorly| "Obsolete system command" (cons 
-       " The )close  system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM."
-       (cons " Please use Close from the File menu instead." nil))))
+     ((> numClients 1)
+       (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$CloseClient|)
+       (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$currentFrameNum|)
+       (|closeInterpreterFrame| nil))
-      (setq quiet nil)
+      (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (t1 nil))
+          ((or (atom t0) 
+               (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
+               (progn (progn (setq opt (car t1)) t1) nil))
+             nil)
+       (setq fullopt (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|quiet|) '|optionError|))
+       (unless quiet (setq quiet (eq fullopt '|quiet|))))
-       ((null |$SpadServer|) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0071 nil))
+       (quiet
+        (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$CloseClient|)
+        (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$currentFrameNum|)
+        (|closeInterpreterFrame| nil))
-        (setq numClients (|queryClients|))
-        (cond
-         ((> numClients 1)
-           (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$CloseClient|)
-           (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$currentFrameNum|)
-           (|closeInterpreterFrame| NIL))
-         (t
-          (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (t1 nil))
-              ((or (atom t0) 
-                   (progn (setq t1 (car t0)) nil)
-                   (progn (progn (setq opt (car t1)) t1) nil))
-                 nil)
-           (seq
-            (exit
-             (progn
-              (setq fullopt
-                (|selectOptionLC| opt '(|quiet|) '|optionError|))
-              (cond ((eq fullopt '|quiet|)
-               (setq quiet t)))))))
-          (cond
-           (quiet
-            (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$CloseClient|)
-            (|sockSendInt| |$SessionManager| |$currentFrameNum|)
-            (|closeInterpreterFrame| NIL))
-           (t
-            (setq x (upcase (|queryUserKeyedMsg| 's2iz0072 nil)))
-            (cond
-             ((memq (string2id-n x 1) '(yes y)) (bye))
-             (t nil)))))))))))))) 
+        (setq x (upcase (|queryUserKeyedMsg| 's2iz0072 nil)))
+        (when (memq (string2id-n x 1) '(yes y)) (bye)))))))))
@@ -2530,114 +2474,97 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then 
controls what happens.
 <<defun compiler>>=
 (defun |compiler| (args)
- (prog (|$newConlist| optlist optname optargs fullopt havenew haveold 
-        aft ef af af1)
-  (declare (special |$newConlist|))
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (progn
-     (setq |$newConlist| nil)
-     (cond
-      ((and (null args) (null |$options|) (null /editfile))
-        (|helpSpad2Cmd| '(|compiler|)))
-      (t
-       (cond ((null args) (setq args (cons /editfile nil))))
-       (setq optlist '(|new| |old| |translate| |constructor|))
-       (setq havenew nil)
-       (setq haveold nil)
-       (do ((t0 |$options| (CDR t0)) (|opt| NIL))
-           ((or (atom t0) 
-                (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)
-                (null (null (and havenew haveold))))
-             nil)
-        (seq
-         (exit
-          (progn
-           (setq optname (car |opt|))
-           (setq optargs (cdr |opt|))
-           (setq fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
-           (cond
-            ((eq fullopt '|new|) (setq havenew t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|translate|) (setq haveold t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|constructor|) (setq haveold t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|old|) (setq haveold t)))))))
-       (cond
-        ((and havenew haveold) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0081 nil))
-        (t
-         (setq af (|pathname| args))
-         (setq aft (|pathnameType| af))
-         (cond
-          ((or havenew (string= aft "as"))
-           (cond
-            ((null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|as|))))
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
-            (t
-             (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
-          ((or haveold (string= aft "spad"))
-           (cond
-            ((null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|spad|))))
-              (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
-            (t
-              (|compileSpad2Cmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
-          ((string= aft "lsp")
-           (cond
-            ((null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|lsp|))))
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
-            (t
-             (|compileAsharpLispCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))))
-          ((string= aft "nrlib")
-           (cond
-            ((null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|nrlib|))))
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IL0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
-            (t
-             (|compileSpadLispCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
-          ((string= aft "ao")
-           (cond
-            ((null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|ao|))))
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
-            (t (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
-          ((string= aft "al")
-           (cond
-            ((null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|al|))))
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil)))
-            (t (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (cons af1 nil)))))
-          (t
-           (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|as| |spad| |ao| |asy|)))
-           (cond
-            ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "as"))
-             (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-            ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "ao"))
-             (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-            ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "spad"))
-             (|compileSpad2Cmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-            ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "asy"))
-             (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-            (t
-             (setq ef (|pathname| /editfile))
-             (setq ef (|mergePathnames| af ef))
-             (cond
-              ((boot-equal ef af) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0039 nil))
-              (t
-               (setq af ef)
-               (cond
-                ((string= (|pathnameType| af) "as")
-                 (|compileAsharpCmd| args))
-                ((string= (|pathnameType| af) "ao")
-                 (|compileAsharpCmd| args))
-                ((string= (|pathnameType| af) "spad")
-                 (|compileSpad2Cmd| args))
-                (t
-                 (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|as| |spad| |ao| |asy|)))
-                 (cond
-                  ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "as"))
-                    (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-                  ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "ao"))
-                    (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-                  ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "spad"))
-                    (|compileSpad2Cmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-                  ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "asy"))
-                   (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
-                  (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0039 nil)))))))))))))))))))) 
+ (let (|$newConlist| optlist optname optargs havenew haveold aft ef af af1)
+  (declare (special |$newConlist| |$options|))
+  (setq |$newConlist| nil)
+  (cond
+   ((and (null args) (null |$options|) (null /editfile))
+     (|helpSpad2Cmd| '(|compiler|)))
+   (t
+    (cond ((null args) (setq args (cons /editfile nil))))
+    (setq optlist '(|new| |old| |translate| |constructor|))
+    (setq havenew nil)
+    (setq haveold nil)
+    (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (opt nil))
+        ((or (atom t0) 
+             (progn (setq opt (car t0)) nil)
+             (null (null (and havenew haveold))))
+          nil)
+     (setq optname (car opt))
+     (setq optargs (cdr opt))
+     (case (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil)
+      (|new|         (setq havenew t))
+      (|translate|   (setq haveold t))
+      (|constructor| (setq haveold t))
+      (|old|         (setq haveold t))))
+    (cond
+     ((and havenew haveold) 
+      (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0081 nil))
+     (t
+      (setq af (|pathname| args))
+      (setq aft (|pathnameType| af))
+      (cond
+       ((or havenew (string= aft "as"))
+        (if (null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|as|))))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil))
+          (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil))))
+       ((or haveold (string= aft "spad"))
+        (if (null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|spad|))))
+           (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil))
+           (|compileSpad2Cmd| (cons af1 nil))))
+       ((string= aft "lsp")
+        (if (null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|lsp|))))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil))
+          (|compileAsharpLispCmd| (cons af1 nil))))
+       ((string= aft "nrlib")
+        (if (null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|nrlib|))))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 'S2IL0003 (cons (namestring af) nil))
+          (|compileSpadLispCmd| (cons af1 nil))))
+       ((string= aft "ao")
+        (if (null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|ao|))))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil))
+         (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil))))
+       ((string= aft "al")
+        (if (null (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|al|))))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (namestring af) nil))
+          (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (cons af1 nil))))
+       (t
+        (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|as| |spad| |ao| |asy|)))
+        (cond
+         ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "as"))
+          (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))
+         ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "ao"))
+          (|compileAsharpCmd| (cons af1 nil)))
+         ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "spad"))
+          (|compileSpad2Cmd| (cons af1 nil)))
+         ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "asy"))
+          (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (cons af1 nil)))
+         (t
+          (setq ef (|pathname| /editfile))
+          (setq ef (|mergePathnames| af ef))
+          (cond
+           ((boot-equal ef af) (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0039 nil))
+           (t
+            (setq af ef)
+            (cond
+             ((string= (|pathnameType| af) "as")
+              (|compileAsharpCmd| args))
+             ((string= (|pathnameType| af) "ao")
+              (|compileAsharpCmd| args))
+             ((string= (|pathnameType| af) "spad")
+              (|compileSpad2Cmd| args))
+             (t
+              (setq af1 ($findfile af '(|as| |spad| |ao| |asy|)))
+              (cond
+               ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "as"))
+                 (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+               ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "ao"))
+                 (|compileAsharpCmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+               ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "spad"))
+                 (|compileSpad2Cmd| (CONS af1 NIL)))
+               ((and af1 (string= (|pathnameType| af1) "asy"))
+                (|compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (cons af1 nil)))
+               (t (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0039 nil)))))))))))))))))
@@ -2736,112 +2663,97 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then 
controls what happens.
 <<defun compileAsharpCmd1>>=
 (defun |compileAsharpCmd1| (args)
- (prog (path pathtype optlist optname optargs fullopt bequiet docompilelisp 
+ (let (path pathtype optlist optname optargs bequiet docompilelisp 
         moreargs onlyargs dolibrary p tempargs s asharpargs command rc lsp)
-   (return
-    (seq
-     (progn
-      (setq path (|pathname| args))
-      (setq pathtype (|pathnameType| path))
-      (cond
-      ((and (nequal pathtype "as") (nequal pathtype "ao"))
-        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0083 nil))
-      ((null (probe-file path))
-        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
-      (t
-       (setq /editfile path)
-       (|updateSourceFiles| path)
-       (setq optlist
-        '(|new| |old| |translate| |onlyargs| |moreargs| |quiet| 
-          |nolispcompile| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
-       (setq bequiet nil)
-       (setq dolibrary t)
-       (setq docompilelisp t)
-       (setq moreargs nil)
-       (setq onlyargs nil)
-       (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (|opt| nil))
-           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
+   (declare (special |$options| |$asharpCmdlineFlags||$newConlist|))
+   (setq path (|pathname| args))
+   (setq pathtype (|pathnameType| path))
+   (cond
+   ((and (nequal pathtype "as") (nequal pathtype "ao"))
+     (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0083 nil))
+   ((null (probe-file path))
+     (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
+   (t
+    (setq /editfile path)
+    (|updateSourceFiles| path)
+    (setq optlist
+     '(|new| |old| |translate| |onlyargs| |moreargs| |quiet| 
+       |nolispcompile| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
+    (setq bequiet nil)
+    (setq dolibrary t)
+    (setq docompilelisp t)
+    (setq moreargs nil)
+    (setq onlyargs nil)
+    (dolist (opt |$options|)
+      (setq optname (car opt))
+      (setq optargs (cdr opt))
+      (case (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil)
+       (|new| nil)
+       (|old| (|error| '|Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )old|))
+       (|translate|
+        (|error| '|Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )translate|))
+       (|quiet|         (setq bequiet t))
+       (|noquiet|       (setq bequiet nil))
+       (|nolispcompile| (setq docompilelisp nil))
+       (|moreargs|      (setq moreargs optargs))
+       (|onlyargs|      (setq onlyargs optargs))
+       (|library|       (setq dolibrary t))
+       (|nolibrary|     (setq dolibrary nil))
+       (t 
+        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036
+         (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)) nil)))))
+    (setq tempargs
+     (if (string= pathtype "ao")
+       (if (setq p (strpos "-Fao" |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 0 nil))
+         (if (eql p 0) 
+          (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 5 nil)
+          (strconc (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 0 p) 
+             " " (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| (plus p 5) nil)))
+         |$asharpCmdlineFlags|)
+       |$asharpCmdlineFlags|))
+    (setq asharpargs
+     (cond
+      (onlyargs
+       (setq s '||)
+       (do ((t1 onlyargs (cdr t1)) (|a| nil))
+           ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |a| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
-          (progn
-           (setq optname (car |opt|))
-           (setq optargs (cdr |opt|))
-           (setq fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
-           (cond
-            ((eq fullopt '|new|) nil)
-            ((eq fullopt '|old|)
-             (|error| '|Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )old|))
-            ((eq fullopt '|translate|)
-             (|error| '|Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )translate|))
-            ((eq fullopt '|quiet|) (setq bequiet t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|noquiet|) (setq bequiet nil))
-            ((eq fullopt '|nolispcompile|) 
-              (setq docompilelisp nil))
-            ((eq fullopt '|moreargs|) (setq moreargs optargs))
-            ((eq fullopt '|onlyargs|) (setq onlyargs optargs))
-            ((eq fullopt '|library|) (setq dolibrary t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|nolibrary|) (setq dolibrary nil))
-            (t 
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036
-              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)) nil))))))))
-       (setq tempargs
-        (cond
-         ((string= pathtype "ao")
-          (cond
-           ((setq p (strpos "-Fao" |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 0 nil))
-            (cond
-             ((eql p 0) (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 5 nil))
-             (t
-              (strconc (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| 0 p) 
-                " " (substring |$asharpCmdlineFlags| (plus p 5) nil)))))
-           (t |$asharpCmdlineFlags|)))
-         (t |$asharpCmdlineFlags|)))
-       (setq asharpargs
-        (cond
-         (onlyargs
-          (setq s '||)
-          (do ((t1 onlyargs (cdr t1)) (|a| nil))
-              ((or (atom t1) (progn (setq |a| (car t1)) nil)) nil)
-           (seq
-            (exit
-             (setq s (strconc s " " (|object2String| |a|))))))
-          s)
-         (moreargs
-          (setq s tempargs)
-          (do ((t2 moreargs (cdr t2)) (|a| nil))
-              ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |a| (car t2)) nil)) nil)
-           (seq
-            (exit
-             (setq s (strconc s " " (|object2String| |a|))))))
-          s)
-         (t tempargs)))
-       (cond ((null bequiet)
-        (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0038a 
-         (cons (|namestring| args) (cons asharpargs nil)))))
-       (setq command
-        (strconc
-         (strconc (getenv "ALDORROOT") "/bin/")
-         '|aldor | asharpargs " " (|namestring| args)))
-       (setq rc (obey command))
-       (cond
-        ((and (eql rc 0) docompilelisp)
-          (setq lsp (|fnameMake| "." (|pathnameName| args) "lsp"))
-          (cond
-           ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
-            (cond
-             ((null bequiet)
-              (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
-            (|compileFileQuietly| lsp))
-           (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))))
+          (setq s (strconc s " " (|object2String| |a|))))))
+       s)
+      (moreargs
+       (setq s tempargs)
+       (do ((t2 moreargs (cdr t2)) (|a| nil))
+           ((or (atom t2) (progn (setq |a| (car t2)) nil)) nil)
+        (seq
+         (exit
+          (setq s (strconc s " " (|object2String| |a|))))))
+       s)
+      (t tempargs)))
+    (unless bequiet
+     (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0038a  (list (|namestring| args) asharpargs )))
+    (setq command
+     (strconc
+      (strconc (getenv "ALDORROOT") "/bin/")
+      '|aldor | asharpargs " " (|namestring| args)))
+    (setq rc (obey command))
+    (cond
+     ((and (eql rc 0) docompilelisp)
+       (setq lsp (|fnameMake| "." (|pathnameName| args) "lsp"))
-        ((and (eql rc 0) dolibrary)
-         (cond
-          ((null bequiet)
-            (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil))))
-         (|withAsharpCmd| (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil)))
-        ((null bequiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
-        (t nil))
-       (|extendLocalLibdb| |$newConlist|)))))))) 
+        ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
+         (unless  bequiet
+           (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil)))
+         (|compileFileQuietly| lsp))
+        (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))))
+    (cond
+     ((and (eql rc 0) dolibrary)
+      (unless bequiet
+         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil)))
+      (|withAsharpCmd| (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil)))
+     ((null bequiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
+     (t nil))
+    (|extendLocalLibdb| |$newConlist|)))))
@@ -2893,56 +2805,46 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then 
controls what happens.
 <<defun compileAsharpArchiveCmd>>=
 (defun |compileAsharpArchiveCmd| (args)
- (prog (path dir exists isdir curdir cmd rc asos)
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (progn 
-     (setq path (|pathname| args))
-     (cond
-      ((null (probe-file path))
-       (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
-      (t
-       (setq dir (|fnameMake| "." (|pathnameName| path) "axldir"))
-       (setq exists (probe-file dir))
-       (setq isdir (|directoryp| (|namestring| dir)))
-       (cond
-        ((and exists (nequal isdir 1))
-          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0027
+ (let (path dir exists isdir curdir cmd rc asos)
+  (declare (special $current-directory))
+  (setq path (|pathname| args))
+  (if (null (probe-file path))
+   (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil))
+   (progn
+    (setq dir (|fnameMake| "." (|pathnameName| path) "axldir"))
+    (setq exists (probe-file dir))
+    (setq isdir (|directoryp| (|namestring| dir)))
+    (if (and exists (nequal isdir 1))
+     (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0027 (list (|namestring| dir) (|namestring| args)))
+     (progn
+      (when (nequal isdir 1)
+        (setq cmd (strconc "mkdir " (|namestring| dir)))
+        (setq rc (obey cmd))
+        (when (nequal rc 0)
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0027 
+           (list (|namestring| dir) (|namestring| args)))))
+      (setq curdir $current-directory)
+      (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| dir)) nil))
+      (setq cmd (strconc "ar x " (|namestring| path)))
+      (setq rc (obey cmd))
+      (cond
+       ((nequal rc 0)
+        (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) nil))
+        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0028
+         (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil))))
+       (t
+        (setq asos (directory (makestring "*.ao")))
+        (cond
+         ((null asos)
+          (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) nil))
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0029
            (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil))))
-        (t
-         (cond
-          ((nequal isdir 1)
-           (setq cmd (strconc "mkdir " (|namestring| dir)))
-           (setq rc (obey cmd))
-           (cond
-            ((nequal rc 0)
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0027 
-              (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))))))
-         (setq curdir $current-directory)
-         (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| dir)) nil))
-         (setq cmd (strconc "ar x " (|namestring| path)))
-         (setq rc (obey cmd))
-         (cond
-          ((nequal rc 0)
-           (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) nil))
-           (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0028
-            (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil))))
-          (t
-           (setq asos (directory (makestring "*.ao")))
-           (cond
-            ((null asos)
-             (|cd| (cons (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) nil))
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0029
-              (cons (|namestring| dir) (cons (|namestring| args) nil))))
-            (t
-             (do ((t0 asos (cdr t0)) (|aso| nil))
-                 ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |aso| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-              (seq
-               (exit
-                (|compileAsharpCmd1| (cons (|namestring| |aso|) nil)))))
-             (|cd| (CONS (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir)) NIL))
-             (|terminateSystemCommand|)
-             (|spadPrompt|)))))))))))))) 
+         (t
+          (dolist (aso asos)
+             (|compileAsharpCmd1| (list (|namestring| |aso|))))
+          (|cd| (list (|object2Identifier| (|namestring| curdir))))
+          (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+          (|spadPrompt|)))))))))))
@@ -2987,57 +2889,46 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then 
controls what happens.
 <<defun compileAsharpLispCmd>>=
 (defun |compileAsharpLispCmd| (args)
- (prog (path optlist optname optargs fullopt bequiet 
-        dolibrary lsp)
-  (return 
-   (seq 
-    (progn 
-     (setq path (|pathname| args))
-     (cond
-      ((null (probe-file path)) 
-         (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (CONS (|namestring| args) NIL)))
-      (t
-       (setq optlist '(|quiet| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
-       (setq bequiet nil)
-       (setq dolibrary t)
-       (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (|opt| nil))
-           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-        (seq
-         (exit
-          (progn
-           (setq optname (car |opt|))
-           (setq optargs (cdr |opt|))
-           (setq fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
-           (cond
-            ((eq fullopt '|quiet|) (setq bequiet t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|noquiet|) (setq bequiet nil))
-            ((eq fullopt '|library|) (setq dolibrary t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|nolibrary|) (setq dolibrary nil))
-            (t
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036 
-              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)) nil))))))))
-       (setq lsp
-        (|fnameMake|
-         (|pathnameDirectory| path)
-         (|pathnameName| path)
-         (|pathnameType| path)))
-       (cond
-        ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
-         (cond
-          ((null bequiet)
-            (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) NIL))))
-         (|compileFileQuietly| lsp))
-        (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
-       (cond
-        (dolibrary
-         (cond
-          ((null bequiet) 
-           (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil))))
-         (|withAsharpCmd| (CONS (|pathnameName| path) NIL)))
-        ((null bequiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
-        (t nil))
-       (|terminateSystemCommand|)
-       (|spadPrompt|)))))))) 
+ (let (path optlist optname optargs bequiet dolibrary lsp)
+  (setq path (|pathname| args))
+  (cond
+   ((null (probe-file path)) 
+      (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
+   (t
+    (setq optlist '(|quiet| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
+    (setq bequiet nil)
+    (setq dolibrary t)
+    (dolist (opt |$options|)
+      (setq optname (car opt))
+      (setq optargs (cdr opt))
+      (case (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil)
+        (|quiet|     (setq bequiet t))
+        (|noquiet|   (setq bequiet nil))
+        (|library|   (setq dolibrary t))
+        (|nolibrary| (setq dolibrary nil))
+        (t
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036 
+           (list (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)))))))
+    (setq lsp
+     (|fnameMake|
+      (|pathnameDirectory| path)
+      (|pathnameName| path)
+      (|pathnameType| path)))
+    (cond
+     ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
+      (unless bequiet
+         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) NIL)))
+      (|compileFileQuietly| lsp))
+     (t (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
+    (cond
+     (dolibrary
+      (unless  bequiet
+        (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil)))
+      (|withAsharpCmd| (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil)))
+     ((null bequiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
+     (t nil))
+    (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+    (|spadPrompt|)))))
@@ -3083,57 +2974,46 @@ The value of the {\tt )set break} variable then 
controls what happens.
 <<defun compileSpadLispCmd>>=
 (defun |compileSpadLispCmd| (args)
- (prog (path optlist optname optargs fullopt beQuiet dolibrary lsp)
-  (return
-   (seq
-    (progn
-     (setq path (|pathname| (|fnameMake| (car args) "code" "lsp")))
-     (cond
-      ((null (probe-file path))
-        (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
-      (t
-       (setq optlist '(|quiet| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
-       (setq beQuiet nil)
-       (setq dolibrary t)
-       (do ((t0 |$options| (cdr t0)) (|opt| nil))
-           ((or (atom t0) (progn (setq |opt| (car t0)) nil)) nil)
-        (seq
-         (exit
-          (progn
-           (setq optname (car |opt|))
-           (setq optargs (cdr |opt|))
-           (setq fullopt (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil))
-           (cond
-            ((eq fullopt '|quiet|) (setq beQuiet t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|noquiet|) (setq beQuiet nil))
-            ((eq fullopt '|library|) (setq dolibrary t))
-            ((eq fullopt '|nolibrary|) (setq dolibrary nil))
-            (t
-             (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036
-              (cons (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)) nil))))))))
-       (setq lsp
-        (|fnameMake|
-         (|pathnameDirectory| path)
-         (|pathnameName| path)
-         (|pathnameType| path)))
-       (cond
-        ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
-         (cond
-          ((null beQuiet)
-           (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
-          (recompile-lib-file-if-necessary lsp))
-        (t
-         (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| lsp) nil))))
-       (cond
-        (dolibrary
-         (cond
-          ((null beQuiet)
-            (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (cons (|pathnameName| path) nil))))
-          (localdatabase (cons (|pathnameName| (car args)) nil) nil))
-        ((null beQuiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
-        (t nil))
-       (|terminateSystemCommand|)
-       (|spadPrompt|)))))))) 
+ (let (path optlist optname optargs beQuiet dolibrary lsp)
+  (declare (special |$options|))
+  (setq path (|pathname| (|fnameMake| (car args) "code" "lsp")))
+  (cond
+   ((null (probe-file path))
+     (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (cons (|namestring| args) nil)))
+   (t
+    (setq optlist '(|quiet| |noquiet| |library| |nolibrary|))
+    (setq beQuiet nil)
+    (setq dolibrary t)
+    (dolist (opt |$options|)
+      (setq optname (car opt))
+      (setq optargs (cdr opt))
+      (case (|selectOptionLC| optname optlist nil)
+         (|quiet|     (setq beQuiet t))
+         (|noquiet|   (setq beQuiet nil))
+         (|library|   (setq dolibrary t))
+         (|nolibrary| (setq dolibrary nil))
+         (t
+          (|throwKeyedMsg| 's2iz0036
+           (list (strconc ")" (|object2String| optname)))))))
+    (setq lsp
+     (|fnameMake|
+      (|pathnameDirectory| path)
+      (|pathnameName| path)
+      (|pathnameType| path)))
+    (cond
+     ((|fnameReadable?| lsp)
+      (unless beQuiet (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0089 (list (|namestring| lsp))))
+       (recompile-lib-file-if-necessary lsp))
+     (t
+      (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2il0003 (list (|namestring| lsp)))))
+    (cond
+     (dolibrary
+      (unless beQuiet (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0090 (list (|pathnameName| path))))
+      (localdatabase (list (|pathnameName| (car args))) nil))
+     ((null beQuiet) (|sayKeyedMsg| 's2iz0084 nil))
+     (t nil))
+    (|terminateSystemCommand|)
+    (|spadPrompt|)))))
@@ -3301,9 +3181,9 @@ to construct a list of strings for the sayMessage function
 and tell the user what options are available.
 <<defun displaySpad2Cmd>>=
 (defun displaySpad2Cmd (l)
- (declare (special |$e|))
  (let ((|$e| |$EmptyEnvironment|) (opt (car l)) (vl (cdr l)) 
        option optList msg)
+  (declare (special |$e| |$EmptyEnvironment| |$displayOptions|))
   (if (and (pairp l) (not (eq opt '?)))
     (setq option (|selectOptionLC| opt |$displayOptions| '|optionError|))
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index bb5312c..5c3e7c9 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+20090317 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090317.01.tpd.patch
+20090317 tpd books/bookvol5 rewrite generated lisp into readable form
 20090316 tpd src/axiom-website/patches.html 20090316.02.tpd.patch
 20090316 tpd src/interp/sockio.lisp restore sock-send-int
 20090316 tpd src/input/setcmd.input fix minor breakage
diff --git a/src/axiom-website/patches.html b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
index 372d908..74c25dd 100644
--- a/src/axiom-website/patches.html
+++ b/src/axiom-website/patches.html
@@ -1009,5 +1009,7 @@ bookvol5 document collect set support functions<br/>
 bookvol5 add )expose, add )set break resume<br/>
 <a href="patches/20090316.02.tpd.patch">20090316.02.tpd.patch</a>
 sockio.lisp restore sock-send-int<br/>
+<a href="patches/20090317.01.tpd.patch">20090317.01.tpd.patch</a>
+bookvol5 rewrite generated lisp into readable form<br/>

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