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Re: [Axiom-developer] Embedding Axiom as an OCaml library.

From: Tim Daly
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Embedding Axiom as an OCaml library.
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 19:59:04 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)


Axiom isn't structured to be used as a library.
The only place I've ever seen it embedded is in Sage.
They use pexpect to capture the Axiom input and output.

Axiom can be configured to work as a server.
Currently it will talk to a firefox browser.
The code interface is rather specific to this application.
I'm not sure if a "server mode" fits your design
but it is a good idea to have it specified.

I will give some thought to writing a specification of
this protocol and generalizing the communication.
It would be possible to construct a JSON output mode
of Axiom so it can communicate through that format.


Guillaume Yziquel wrote:

I would appreciate embedding Axiom as an OCaml library.

Looking around in the (huge) documentation of Axiom hasn't been extremely fruitful to gather the information that I need.

From what I gather, Axiom, as it is currently distributed in Debian, is a modified version of Lisp, with a rather specific language, namely spad, and various packages compiled to native code, and accessible from the interpreter.

I do not binding interpreters and such, but I'd appreciate informations on where to look for the things to bind.

I'd first be interested in importing or replicating the hierarchy to include at least the ring of polynomials over the field of real numbers.

How difficult does that seem to be?

All the best,

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