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[Axiom-developer] gcl makefile tries to create a file in /usr/local/axio

From: daly
Subject: [Axiom-developer] gcl makefile tries to create a file in /usr/local/axiom
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:53:47 -0500


When I build gcl-cygwin standalone I get a copy of gcl in the bin
directory. When I build it by program the gcl makefile seems to try:

rm -f /usr/local/axiom/home/daly/t1/lsp/gcl-cygwin/bin/gcl
(echo '#!/bin/sh ; \
     echo exec /home/daly/t1/lsp/gcl-cygwin/unixport/saved_gcl \\ ; \
     echo '  -dir /home/daly/t1/lsp/gcl-cygwin/unixport/ \\ ; \
     echo '  -libdir' /home/daly/t1/lsp/gcl-cgwin/ \\ ; \
     echo '  -eval '\''(setq si::*allow-gzipped-file* t)'\' \\ ;\
     ! [ -d "no" ] || echo '  -eval '\''(setq si::*tk-library* '\"\"')'\' \\;\
     echp '   '\"address@hidden" ) > 

/bin/sh: 1: cannot create /usr/local/axiom/home/daly/t1/lsp/gcl-cygwin/bin/gcl
Directory nonexistent

Why is it trying to create anything in /usr/local/axiom (which does not exist)?


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