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[Axiom-mail] Re: [ANN] yet a newer version of the axiom mode for emacs.

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: [Axiom-mail] Re: [ANN] yet a newer version of the axiom mode for emacs.
Date: 05 Oct 2007 16:58:08 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

Sorry for spamming, I just uploaded todays work and I believe it's worth
another mail.


* goto

* click on tangle

* put the resulting file in a directory where gnu emacs can find it, most
  likely ~/emacs

* edit your .emacs to contain the following two lines:

(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.axiom$" . axiom-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(require 'axiom)

* start emacs

* issue M-x axiom RET (for non-emacs users: press the alt key and "x", then
  enter "axiom", then hit return)

* do some computations

* try to kill the buffer (for non-emacs users: press the ctrl key and "k")
  but then answer with "no"

* save your file (for non-emacs users: press the ctrl key and "x", then "s")
  and choose a file name ending in ".axiom".

* kill the buffer (for non-emacs users: press the ctrl key and "k")

* visit the file (for non-emacs users: press the ctrl key and "x", then "f", 
  then the filename including ".axiom", then return)

* enjoy.

Send bugs to any of the lists, or to myself.


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