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[Axiom-math] Re: [open-axiom-devel] [fricas-devel] Re: [fricas-devel] Re

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: [Axiom-math] Re: [open-axiom-devel] [fricas-devel] Re: [fricas-devel] Re: [fricas-devel] Re: [fricas-devel] Re: iterators and cartesian product.
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 23:11:45 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070728)

Hi Bill,

On 10/24/2007 03:56 AM, Bill Page wrote:
On 10/23/07, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
On 10/24/2007 03:07 AM, Bill Page wrote:
On 10/23/07, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
Seems OK, but, of course the _domain_ 1..9 is then inappropriate in a
construction like

   for i in 1..9 repeat ...

don't you agree?

No. My proposal also includes the idea that the construct

    for i in X repeat

should expect X to be any domain that supplies a generator (like Aldor).
In Aldor, at the place of X there must be an element of type
"Generator(Something)", not a domain.
Can you give an example of an "element of type Generator(Something)"
that is not a domain?
g: Generator(Integer) := generate {yield 0}

Take g.

Ok, yes I see what you mean. But this requires some new basic
functionality in the language, right?

I cannot live anymore without "Generator". And I very much hope it will make it into SPAD.

Contrast this with 'Stream' in
Axiom which (so far as I understand) does not require such an
extension of Spad.

For me a stream is like a generator with memory. If I step a generator then I can never repeat that step. Take (Aldor)

g: Generator Integer := generate yield 1;

l1: List Integer := [x for x in g];
l2: List Integer := [x for x in g]

that yields l1=[1] and l2=[].

If you replace g by

s: Stream(Integer) := ...

you would probably expect that also l2=[1]

Oh, I am totally wrong. Streams are always infinite, Generators are not.
So I would have to write

  [x for x in s for i in 1..1]

Hmmm, didn't you like

main(): () == {
     import from Z, Product(Z, Z);
     s1: Segment Z := 1..3;
     s2: Segment Z := 11..12;
     for ab in s1 * s2 repeat {
         (a, b) := ab;
         stdout << a << ", " << b << newline;

Yes, that is "ok" but ... we already have a domain construction
Product in the Axiom library that takes two *domains* as it's

OK if you like that so much then OK. As Martin said, that is very much what we do in Aldor-combinat. There is a Product functor that takes two species and produces the product species. Each species comes with a function

  structures: SetSpecies L -> Generator %;

So for us it would mean

  for s in structures([1,2,3,4])$Times(F, G)(Integer) repeat ...

where F and G would be the species corresponding to 1..9 and 1..4.
I don't see that this makes life easier.

I am sure one could simplify some libraries so that you end up with

  for s in generator()$Product(1..9, 1..9) repeat

where 1..9 should be interpreted as a domain that also provides a function

  generator: () -> Generator %

Fine. But look closer and you see that I build again on the concept of Generator.

If I understand you correctly, you basically want to have the same functions but like the compiler to allow you to write

  for s in Product(1..9, 1..9) ...

as syntactic sugar for my line above.

I hopefully don't introduce too much confusion here. I don't know enough of the limitations of SPAD.


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