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[Baol-hth-list] string-width error

From: Gian Uberto Lauri
Subject: [Baol-hth-list] string-width error
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 18:58:04 +0200

>>>>> "BJL" == Brian J Lopes <address@hidden> writes:

BJL> Hey everyone,

Actually I think the two of us...

BJL> I have a quick question.  I'm using emacs 19.34.1, and I just upgraded to
BJL> the current beta version of html-helper.  I was hoping to get better
BJL> support for tables in html.  Anyway, now I'm getting the following error
BJL> when emacs opens a web page.

Table stuff hasn't changed.

BJL> Loading html-helper-mode...
BJL> File mode specification error: (void-function string-width)

It's a builtin function of the latest GNU Emacs I fear.

BJL> Can someone please help me with this.  I've googled it, and it seems like
BJL> nobody else has had this problem.

As a workaround you can try to put this in .emacs

(defun string-width (string)
        (string-bytes string))

This  could be faulty  with multibite  characters, anyway,  that's why
they developed string-bytes.

Unless for heavy  bandwidth problems I suggest to  upgrade to Emacs 20
(the mode  has some  problems wiht Emacs  21 when working  with server
side scripts, i.e. jsp)

 /\            ___
/___/\__|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_____________________
  //--\ | | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamico, fancazzista 
\/                  e coltivatore diretto di software

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