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[Bayonne-devel] Problems running bayonne wih Openline 4

From: Philippe Cadic
Subject: [Bayonne-devel] Problems running bayonne wih Openline 4
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 00:00:50 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)

Hi all.
I'm tryingto run bayonne on
RH9 + current stable bayonne + ccaudio +cscript
OPenline 4 card last version + lats driver available
Everything compiled perfectlywith no error with -prefx=/usr

Can anyone post or send me a default bayonne.conf for voicetronix cards for me to study ?
I suspect a bad config in it.

bayonne --test vpb gives
address@hidden bayonne-1.2.14]# bayonne --test vpb
SERVER VERSION 1.2.14; i686 Linux 2.4.20-8
TGI VERSION 2.2; driver=vpb; prefix=//apps/bayonne; etc=/etc/
Loading TGI plugins...
tgi: initialized; uid=99 pid=5520
tgi: buffer=/var/run/bayonne/bayonne.ctrl; cfd=7; time=10
Loading DSO plugin images...
debug: trace module loaded
vpb timers: step=20, sync=30
vpb driver loaded; capacity=1 cards
TTS: loading english phrasebooks...
audit: append=/var/log/bayonne.audit
playrec: 13 steps compiled
playrec::play: 17 steps compiled
playrec::record: 11 steps compiled
cdr: unknown keyword; tams(16)
import: unknown keyword; tams(19)
export: unknown keyword; tams(23)
export: unknown keyword; tams(28)
tams: 8 steps compiled
cidlog: 3 steps compiled
tams1: 6 steps compiled
down: 5 steps compiled
down::service: 10 steps compiled
down::weather: 6 steps compiled
down::nobody: 10 steps compiled
down::busy: 10 steps compiled
down::unavailable: 10 steps compiled
down::ignore: 1 steps compiled
vmhost: 11 steps compiled
vmhost::memo: 4 steps compiled
vmhost::send: 10 steps compiled
vmhost::login: 16 steps compiled
vmhost::fail: 5 steps compiled
vmhost::bye: 2 steps compiled
vmhost::exit: 2 steps compiled
vmhost::caller: 21 steps compiled
survey: 28 steps compiled
survey::prev: 18 steps compiled
survey::next: 15 steps compiled
survey::error: 15 steps compiled
survey::init: 18 steps compiled
survey::play: 5 steps compiled
survey::yesno: 20 steps compiled
survey::rate10: 28 steps compiled
survey::input: 18 steps compiled
survey::record: 16 steps compiled
loading default trunk group
loading outgoing trunk group
loading did trunk group
loading station trunk group
vpb(1,0): idle
vpb(1,1): idle
vpb(1,2): idle
vpb(1,3): idle
vpb: initalized 4 ports successfully...
driver started 4 port(s)
normal startup; Bayonne Runtime Configuration
vpb: event thread started...
trace: pid=1116941120 reason=6
trace(0): /usr/lib/bayonne/1.2.14/bayonne.bin(_ZN3ost5Debug10stackTraceEi+0x29) [0x807d8c9] trace(1): /usr/lib/bayonne/1.2.14/trace.dbg(_ZN3ost10TraceDebug10debugFinalEi+0x1b) [0x4006a74f] trace(2): /usr/lib/bayonne/1.2.14/bayonne.bin(__strtod_internal+0x2ad4) [0x805c5f0]
trace(3): /lib/tls/ [0x420275c8]
trace(4): /lib/tls/ [0x42028a73]
trace(5): /usr/lib/ [0x40297b57]
trace(6): /usr/lib/ [0x40297ba4]
trace(7): /usr/lib/ [0x40297d16]

fifo: path=/var/run/bayonne/bayonne.ctrl
scheduler: using /etc/bayonne.sched
trace(8): /usr/local/lib/ [0x40052aa0] trace(9): /usr/local/lib/ [0x40052b43] trace(10): /usr/lib/bayonne/1.2.14/bayonne.bin(_ZN3ost7Network7initialEv+0x8d) [0x8081a89] trace(11): /usr/local/lib/ [0x4004ad14]
trace(12): /usr/local/lib/ [0x4004a2a3]
trace(13): /lib/tls/ [0x402ee2b6]
trace(14): /lib/tls/ [0x420de407]
network: stopping
Erreur de segmentation = segmentation fault

./server/bayonne -voicetronix /usr/share/bayonne/playrec.scr
gives segmentation fault

address@hidden bayonne-1.2.14]# ./server/bayonne -voicetronix /usr/share/bayonne/playrec.scr
tgi: initialized; uid=99 pid=5543
cdr: unknown keyword; tams(16)
import: unknown keyword; tams(19)
export: unknown keyword; tams(23)
export: unknown keyword; tams(28)
driver started 4 port(s)
normal startup; Bayonne Runtime Configuration
scheduler: using /etc/bayonne.sched
Erreur de segmentation

My /etc/bayonne.conf is
; Specify the telephony driver plugin to use (phonedev, pika, dummy).
; only one driver may be selected.  Plugins can only be specified
; in the "global" bayonne.conf since they are not relocatable.
driver = vpb

; Specify an optional Bayonne "switch integration module".
; switch = smdi

; Specify an auditing module to record cdr logs, call statistics, and
; other audited events.
auditing = append

; specify resident tgi interpreters.  otherwise they are auto-loaded.
;tgi = perl

; specify protocol modules and other server extensions.
;modules = vpim

; specify monitoring modules.
;monitors = tcpmon

; specify audio feed modules to load.
;feeds = soundcard

; specify ccScript modules to pre-load.
preload = file digits

; An optional debugging module.
;debug = trace

; An optional XML dialect parser.
;xml = callxml

; specify one or more optional dso network management interfaces.
;managers =

; specify status monitoring interface.
;statmon = udpstat

; Specify tts rule module(s) to load.  One or more language rules
; may be installed.
languages = english

; Specify default map entries to load.
;maps = names...

; Enable flite tts system
;tts = flite

; Enable a SQL driver!
;sql = postgres

# This entry tells Bayonne where it's various components are to be found.
; base tmpfs prefix

; base lib directory for DSO modules.

; tgi default file search path

; Base directory for tgi and bayonne loadable modules.  TGI modules are
; found in libexec/tgi, and bayonne loadable modules in libexec/bayonne.

; Location of newly recorded prompts and changable storage.

; Installed location of bayonne scripts

; Optional application specific script directory to merge in

; installed base directory of language/voice specific prompt libraries

; optional alternate directory for application specific prompt libraries...

; running directory for locks, etc.

; cache directory to be used later

; spool directory

; base directory for argv0 "wrapper"'s, such as web/bayonne cross-bridges,
; etc.

; drop location for generating a php or perl config file.

; set for embedded documents, set to "embed=" for no embedding

; path for sox for audio conversion

; path for written log files

# Define mapping between voices and translator language modules.
UsEngM = english
UsEngF = english
; ... etc ...

# The import key is used to select fast-loading import modules for
# embedded tgi languages.  This can further improve system startup times
# when used correctly.

; Perl modules to autoload for all instances

; Python modules to import for all instances

# Handlers process services externally thru special gateway bindins.  This
# allows native commands to be implimented that do special functions.
; text to speech conversion engine in tgi (xxx.tts)

; default xml parser to select at startup

; url fetcher engine in tgi (xxx.url)

; default timeout for handlers (%audio.timeout)

# This section is used to specify national "localization" rules which are
# used to adopt bayonne for use in different countries.  This can be
# used to specify alternate/national specific phrasebook override rules
# for phrasebook, to define currency rules, etc.

; example, our primary currency is the euro
;primary currency = euro
;primary change = cent
;primary decimal = 2

; example, our secondary (local) currency is the pound
;local currency = pound
;local change = pence
;local decimal = 2

; example, our conversion rate is 2.5 to 1
;convertcurrency = 2.50

# The info section controls Bayonne's new broadcast database service
# for connecting with infotel database adapters such as bayonnedb.
; broadcast or host address of bayonnedb adapter
;broadcast =

; port of bayonnedb adapter
;port = 6344

; default packet transaction expiration in seconds
;expires = 60

; infotel thread processing in milliseconds
;interval = 500

; infotel resend interval computation factor in milliseconds
;resend = 650

; total number of infotel transactions to hold in pending
;buffers = 1000

; broadcast address address to use with other nodes
broadcast =

; refresh interval for nodes
refresh = 5

; time to live for a node
live = 30

; time to elect a new buddy
elect = 120

; time to expire a buddy
expire = 300

; The address and port to bind to for sending Bayonne network
; broadcast messages.  Note that if the bind(2) system call fails for
; the address you give, Bayonne will terminate immediately WITH NO
; SENSIBLE ERROR MESSAGE.  So if you try to run Bayonne and it just
; says "Aborting" and dumps core, double-check that you didn't make a
; typo here.  Also make sure that your machine actually has an
; interface with the address you give, and that the UID that Bayonne
; is running as really does have permission to bind to it.
address =

; bayonnedb database server to connect to
database =

; host address to bind monitor to
monitor =

# The bayonne mailbox keys are used to set common default values for
# mailbox applications.
; a default password for newly created mailboxes
;password = 999

; a default mailbox message count limit for newly created mailboxes
;count = 99

; a default maximum size limit for newly created mailboxes, in minutes
; of storage.
;limit = 30

; a total voice storage quota permitted for ALL voice mailboxes on the
; local storage medium, in minutes.
;quota = 30

; a minimum storage capacity left for accepting any new messages in
; seconds
;minumum = 150

; the maximum size of a single message that may be left in seconds
;maximum = 300

# This provides configuration data for audio feeds
; named feeds reserved for telephony port use, keep unique
;feeds = conf0 conf1 conf2

; number of 120ms jitter buffers for audio feeds
;buffers = 8

; stack size for audio feed threads
;stack = 4

# The bayonne tone command generates tones as defined from [tones] which
# are initially generated into ulaw sample streams as the server starts.
# This allows one to redefine all the standard tones as needed.
; pbx optional tone set
pbx:dialtone = cont 350 440 30000

; define each tone, single or multi-freq.
beep = 1000 500
ringback = 440 480 2000
busytone = 480 620 500
reorder = 480 620 250
dialtone = 350 440 1000
intercom = 350 440 100
austel:busytone = 425 450

# Sometimes individual drivers and plugins have their own config
# entries.  The Pika driver has one as documented here.
; Specify number of DSP audio buffers to sue when streaming audio to
; or from a Pika card.  These are used by the PlayAudio and RecordAudio
; service threads.
buffers = 2

; specify ring debounce timer in milliseconds
;ringdebounce = 100
; specify maximum members per dsp conference group
;members = 6

# The QuickNet driver also has some configuration data.
; Maximum number of "/dev/phone" nodes that will be supported.
;devices = 16

; Line wink duration to use, in milliseconds.
;wink = 100

; "depth" of buffering to use for audio recording and playback.
;buffers = 2

; number of k in service thread stack space
;stack = 8

# Configuration of aculab firmware and interfaces
; prime rate firmware module
;prifirmware = ets_usr.ram

; basic rate firmware module
;brifirmware = ets_bnet.ram

; prosody firmware module
;prosody = sp60u.smf

; pri config
;priconfig = -cNE

-----------------------------; bri config
;bricconfig = -cNE

; network audio format (alaw or ulaw)
;netformat = ulaw

# As does the Dialogic driver plugin...
; in globalcall, we use "spans", "span", and "protocol"
; number of globalcall spans
spans = 1
; globalcall span protocol
protocol = P_ISDN

; number of potential voice resource cards in system
;voice = 6

; number of potential digital cards in the system
;digital = 1

; number of pri spans to support, effects digital handling.
;pri = 0

; interval for balancing cpu load.
;delay = 10

; span is used to specify a default when autodetect fails.
span = e1

; Hangup tone detection for runtime driver (analog cards) only:
; tone frequency, on time, off time and their deviations
; hangup_detect = on
; hangup_freq = 425
; hangup_freq_dev = 50
; hangup_on = 30
; hangup_on_dev = 15
; hangup_off = 30
; hangup_off_dev = 15
; hangup_rep = 2

; isdn facility coding, default unless overriden in trunk group,
; use "none" if no facility
; isdn facility = cpn

; isdn numbering plan, default unless overriden in trunk group, use
; "none" for unknown.
; isdn numbering = isdn

; isdn encoding format, ulaw, alaw, or adpcm, may be overriden in
; trunk grouo
; isdn encoding = alaw

# Voicetronix hardware paramaters
; physical i/o port address of first card in hex
;first = 300

; number of cards to test for
;cards = 1

; number of channels per card
;channels = 4

; number of k in stack frame of vpb thread
;stack = 8

; interval delay in async event thread, for cpu loading.
;delay = 10

; values to use in defining reorder tone detection which can act as
; an optional disconnect, example here is from fsf switch.
;reorder = 440, 350

; specify voicetronix card model, V4PCI for OpenSwitch4, and
; V12PCI for OpenSwitch12.
model = V4PCI

; for V12PCI, specify station blocks for each card, a (first 8),
; b (last 4), or n for trunk only card
stations = aabn

; faster step and sync timers
step timer = 20ms
sync timer = 30ms

; drop disconnect
drop = y

# The auditing system has it's own parms.
; Specify directory for file logging.
;logpath = /var/log/bayonne

; optionally specify the logfile and statfile directly, at least for
; the "append" auditing module.
;statfile = /var/log/bayonne/stats
;logfile = /var/log/bayonne/calls

; retry interval for posting responses
;retry = 15

; expiration timer before failing cdr records
;expire = 60

;;; The following are for the "postgres" CDR auditing module.
; The IP address or hostname of the machine hosting the PostgreSQL
; server to connect to.
;pgserver = localhost

; The port number to connect use when connecting.
;pgport = 5432

; The database to connect to.
;pgdbname = cdr

; The table to insert cdr data into.
;pgtable = cdr
; The username to connect as.
;pgusername = postgres

; You should really be using host-based authentication instead.
;pgpassword = I_should_really_go_read_the_manual

# The ccscript compiler supports the use of "constants", and these
# constants may be defined here for convenience.  They are processed
# internally with "$xxx" entries in your scripts at compile time.  Some
# values also effect script operations.  Some are also used to initialize
# default script variables.
; A default timeout if not specified by script paramater, such as for
; "record".
timeout = 60

; A interdigit timeout value to use if not specified, in seconds.
interdigit = 6

password = 999
extdigits = 3
localdigits = 7
natdigits = 10
xferextension = FW
dialextension = W
diallocal = W9
xferlocal = FW9
dialnational = W9
xfernational = FW9
dialinternational = W9011
xferinternational = FW9011
xferinternational = FW9011


# The "server" node is used to define some common and useful server
# properties.
; Specify user id to run as if started under "root"
;user = bayonne

; Specify group to select for user mode startup.
;group = bayonne

; specify default script name globally if no scheduler.
;default = default

; Specify node id for management systems.  This defaults to the
; system's "host" name if not specified.
;node = tel01
; specify automatic/default login handling for trunks.  This can be
; "none", or "admin" for auto-admin capabilities in scripting, or can
; be "dnis" or "ani" for such things, or even "port" for auto-id by
; port.
;login = none

; to be used in the future; specify trunk group / policy search order.
;policy = dnis, card, span, port

; Specify tgi token seperator for TGI 1.1 services protocol.
;token = &

; a configuration timestamp.  A ~/.bayonnerc may override this and the
; last one loaded is shown during startup so one can see which config
; file was in effect.  This is a syslog "banner".
config = Bayonne Runtime Configuration

; maximum number of network nodes.
;nodes = 1

; password for remote (tcpmon) access
;password = fts

; optional time of day when auto-restart may be used if all ports idle
; restart = 02:30

# Specify what tgi commands can be invoked by external processes thru
# bayonne_wrapper when setuid root.  This provides a controlled bridge
# for things like apache to bayonne cross-execution.  Specify userid
# and permitted commands...
; example, enable apache tgi web click thru
;nobody =

# The threads section effects scheduling and operation of Bayonne
# server threads of various sort.
; specify thread auditing option.

; specify scheduling policy to use.  can be used to enable realtime
; process scheduling.
;policy = rr

; enable memory locking (prevents swap) and specify number of pages
; of stack space to pre-reserve.  default is 0 for no locking.
;pages = 64

; Specify priority that the bayonne server should run as relative to
; system priority.  higher is better (negative nice).
;priority = 0

; Specify priority that audio threads run at relative to the default
; main thread, higher values being higher priority.
;audio = 1

; Specify priority that audio feed sources which use threads will run
; at relative to the main thread.
;feed = 0

; Specify priority for any database interface threads.
; Specify number of TGI gateway processes that will be running for
; tgi requests, and the relative priority they should run under.  A
; good minimal value is 1/3 the number of active ports.
; WARNING: The syntax for this option is currently undocumented, and
; the getSymbol() Common C++ member which retrieves the data for the
; priGateway() function to determine the relative process priority
; is also undocumented.  As a result, you should only change the number
; after the comma to change the number of TGI gateways running on the
; system.  The behavior of the system after modifying the number
; before the comma is unknown.
;gateways = 0,1

; Specify the number and priority of service threads as used by some
; drivers.  Service pools may be specified with a higher thread count for
; smp/very high capacity systems.
;services = 1,1

; Specify priority that the bayonne "scheduler" thread runs at
;scheduler = 0

; Specify priority of server gui threads.
;gui = 0

; Specify priority of rtp threads.
;rtp = 0

; Specify an additional "lag" time in milliseconds between script commands
; when dsp reset events have occured.
;resetdelay = 18
; stepdelay is the number of milliseconds the ccScript interpreter
; will pause between executing steps.  This variable should be a
; multiple of the granularity of the select(2) call on your system,
; because it's pointless for the interpreter to check on the state of
; things more often than they can possibly change.  You can lower this
; variable to have lengthy scripts execute faster at the expense of
; additional CPU time.  See the select(2) documentation on your system
; to determine the value.  On Win32 platforms, investigating the
; thread quanta length for your installation is a good place to start.
; Note that "server" and "workstation" versions of Win32 have
; different default quanta lengths.
;stepdelay = 36

; Specify the interval used by the scheduler.  This is important for
; determining if Sync objects get called frequently enough.
;interval = 15

; Minimal step interval allowed.  Some cases may allow timing of steps
; for real-time adjustments.  This should be the minimal schedulable
; sleep interval of a select() call.
;stepinterval = 18

; specify running priority of the resolver thread and the number of
; minutes between each run interval.
;resolver = -1, 15

; default stack size in k
;stack = 8

# Some global memory usage properties that may be adjusted to toon
# bayonne.
; Default symbol size of "created" symbols in ccscript when no implicit
; size is specified.
;symbols = 64

; Number of bytes to allocate in "pages".  The internal allocators
; in ccscript use "page" allocated objects to reduce fragmentation.
; This should be some multiple or factor of the system memory
; page size.  On very tight systems, this can be made very small.
;page = 1024

; Number of user id's for preferences
;users = 1000

; Maximum preferences per user
;prefs = 256

# Specify trunk properties for the "default" trunk group.  Additional
# trunk groups can be specified and assigned to specific ports.
; Specify the name of additional trunk groups to load
groups = outgoing did station

; Specify dialtone detection for hangup detect during normal calls
;detect = 0

; Specify handling of pending requests, either never, at hangup, or
; during a specified polling interval in milliseconds while idle.
;requests = hangup

; Specify ready time for trunk to settle in idle before processing any
; requests in milliseconds.

; Number of rings before answer allowed.  This may be extended to
; assure callerid occurs and/or did trunk support.
;answer = 1

; whether to automatically accept calls or not.  Set to 0 to disable
; accept.
;accept = 1

; Specify active caller id duration for trunks in milliseconds.
;callerid = 1600

; Hangup "gaurd" time before the port becomes available again, as
; measured in milliseconds.
;hangup = 100

; Pickup "gaurd" time before the port is assumed off hook, as measured
; in milliseconds.
;pickup = 500

; Time interval of a ring "cycle" for this trunk group in seconds.
;ringtime = 7

; Time interval during line siezure for dialtone detect to occur.
;siezetime = 12

; Time interval for inactivity to be used as forced hangup.
;idletime = 600

; Call progress analysis timer for dialing, in seconds.
;analysis = 16

; Flash time for hook-flash operations in milliseconds.
;flash = 200
; Number of milliseconds to wait for dialtone to appear when doing
; outbound dialing.  Note that the Voicetronix cards must have at
; least 2000 milliseconds of steady dialtone before throwing a
; dialtone event, so if you're planning on doing outbound dialing
; with a Voicetronix cards you should set this to 3500 or so.
;dialtone = 800

; Dialing speed for DTMF dialing, including "pause" between digits,
; as measured in milliseconds.
;dialspeed = 160

; Initial volume level adjustment.  As a % value.
;volume = 80

; Talkoff control for cards which have this settable.
;talkoff =5

; DTMF debounce for cards which have this settable.
;debounce = 0

; wink delay from ring, in milliseconds
;wink delay = 150

; wink timer for length of wink, in milliseconds
;wink timer = 150

; max wink duration, in milliseconds
;max wink = 200

; min wink duration, in milliseconds
;min wink = 100

; trunk selection policy; currently first order or last order
;select = last

; threashold of active calls before switching to requests (try command)
;threashold = 0

; specify a dialing "transfer" prefix string to use for blind transfers
;transfer = *9,

; specify a hold "dialing" string to use to put a call on hold
;hold = *8,

; you can specify a default xml handler by trunk policy

; extension numbers to ring immediately for inbound calls
;immediate = 0,1,2

; extension numbers to add for delayed ringing from inbound calls
;delayed = 3,4

; local country code
country = 1

; local dialing prefix if none used
local = 1732

; specify dialing mode (dtmf, mf, pulse)
dialmode = dtmf

; minimum digits in dnid (only for dialogic drivers)
;mindigits = 10

; time out to get more digits (in seconds)
;mdigtimeout = 3

; specify station id for fax
station = 1 111 222 3333

# Default station trunk policy for all station ports
; specify cards in list or * for default
stations = *

; The following lines should be uncommented to use the "keyterm" demo
; script.  These are actually not used by the Bayonne telephone system
; scripts, so they are disabled by default.  This can also be used to
; do special features or functionality in the pbx environment.

; specify script to run for offhook stations while idle and in service
; or "*" for scheduler
;station offhook = bts

; specify script to run for stations without service or * for scheduler
;station noservice = bts::noservice

; specify script to run when station is ringing or * for scheduler
;station ringing = bts::ringing

; specify script to run when answering intercom or transfered call or
; * for scheduler
;station answering = bts::answering

; specify script to run when answering recall (hold or transfer recall) or
; * for scheduler
;station recalling = bts::recall

; specify script run when doing outside line dialing requests for extensions
;station dialing = bts::dialing

answer = 2

; Trunks we may assign as "DID" trunks, by individual port numbers!
;trunks = 0,1,2

# a trunk group for "outgoing" calls.  Maybe we have one or more trunk
# lines assigned only for outgoing scripts.
; Maybe the last port id of a 4 port server is dedicated for outgoing
; calls...
;trunks = 3

# this controls options for the gui debugger X-Window screen.
; screen height
;height = 400

; screen width
;width = 600

; primary typeface to use
;typeface = helvetica

; fixed font typeface to use
;fixed = fixed

; primary point size to use (rest relative)
;points = 10

# Provides sql database info
database = bayonne
; user = bayonne
; password = xxx
; host = localhost

# provides support for SUN ONC RPC services plugin
; send = 0
; recv = 0
; protocols = udp tcp

# Proxy server settings
# default
; server = localhost
; port = 8080

# protocol specific
; http server = localhost
; http port = 8080

# timeout for web services
; timeout = 0

# Different modules that relate to PBX integration of Bayonne will use
# this section for common settings.  These include modules that do in-band
# msg waiting lamp control and smdi, and even specialized protocol modules.
; specify trunk group to use for in-band operations, not used for serial
;group = *

; specify pbx vendor of switch, none to disable, usually match with
; mwi.mod script
;protocol = generic

; specify device driver interface for serial integration module
;device = /dev/ttyS0

; specify speed for serial integration
;speed = 1200

; in smdi specify message desk interface you are using
;desk = 1

# used for application framework specific settings.  these appear as
# additional constants.

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