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[Bhpos-bert] army stunt man

From: Beatrix Beltran
Subject: [Bhpos-bert] army stunt man
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 14:49:51 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

They got their man through a sting operation, though, and I'm glad to hear it given the details of the identity thefts and other crimes perpetrated.
It's in the IE online help, but who reads that anymore?
Organized crime has simply gone high tech, although a single hacker can also do a lot of damage with identity theft. Then, by presenting that information within Google Maps, they provided a simple but very effective graphical interface to display towers within the area.
Business users like more interactive travel aids, maps, remote access to data, etc.
I think it's fair to say from this early information that Vista's Aero graphical interface is a video memory hog, but, as I'll show you in a minute, there's a good reason for this.
For instance, is the data or a service truly open for anyone to mash it up with another service? Not difficult, but somewhat annoying.
Again, most of the comments posted at TechCrunch were resoundingly negative.
Then, by presenting that information within Google Maps, they provided a simple but very effective graphical interface to display towers within the area. Organized crime has simply gone high tech, although a single hacker can also do a lot of damage with identity theft. I hate to say this, but "you gotta think like a teen". PalmSource relies on external developers to come up with the cool multimedia tools, not a good sign. In short, I can imagine them doing all the things they could never have done with the traditional telephone network.
Public opinion, particularly in the blogosphere, can make or break a startup, and it would be unwise for them to ignore this reality, even if this generates a "buzz".
Regardless, consumer-facing VOIP still needs shoring up in the security department, beyond encryption, but still has to remain easy to use.
Here's another example: After you've ordered something online, have you ever clicked on the link to track your package and had the information passed from UPS or Fedex? I hate to say this, but "you gotta think like a teen".
Spambots, adware, spyware, and other controversial technologies came into existence and changed our online experience, probably for a long, long time. That's the practice of RVing across America, but staying overnight in Wal-Mart parking lots.
They got their man through a sting operation, though, and I'm glad to hear it given the details of the identity thefts and other crimes perpetrated.
I could see where some may want their business contact information available, say for new business development opportunities or recruitment. In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. I took some time off from blogging to enjoy the summer with my family. iPod users have known for quite some time that they can be used as portable storage for computer files, just like a thumb drive.
This is where I use to park it. Not difficult, but somewhat annoying.

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