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[Bibledit-announce] Bibledit-Web 1.4 released

From: Teus Benschop
Subject: [Bibledit-announce] Bibledit-Web 1.4 released
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 09:38:13 +0100

Bibledit-Web 1.4 has been released.

Bibledit-Web is a tool for online Bible translation.


Mattias Põldaru styled the passage navigator and the buttons.
No longer installs through ./configure && make && sudo make install.
The new web-based graphical installer can install the software on shared hosting.
The locations for exports and changes have been updated due to restrictions of shared hosting.
The binaries sqlite3, python, perl, and osis2mod are no longer required, but optional.
Runs on CentOS 6.4.
The menu in the top bar works on touch-enabled devices.
No longer requires wdiff, unzip, merge, and tidy.
Requires package php5-tidy and php5-sqlite.
No longer requires a full (virtual) server, but also runs on an inexpensive shared Linux hosting account.
Database credentials are no longer visible in an open installation.
The header of the Bible editor remains always visible.
Clicking in the USFM or Bible editor updates the focused verse again.
Scrivener's Greek text was added to the Resources.
The Bible overview gives the number of books it contains.
Regenerates session files less often.
Clears out logbook entries older than 5 days.
Since the MySQL server may go away or hit the maximum number of concurrent connections on shared hosting, all databases now use SQLite.
New task runner handles increased load with a much smaller memory footprint.
Re-creates exported files only when the Bibles have changed.
Compares a Bible with another Bible or with a USFM Resource.
Parallel processing speeds up downloading external Resources.
More stable persistent login mechanism.
A login expires after a day of inactivity.
Fixed: The Biblehub Interlinear external Resource floated at the side of other Resources.
No longer clears out session files every night, because these files are no longer used.
Refreshes the search index every night.
A lot of unit tests were written on all the database objects.
It keeps the history of the changes in the Bibles indefinitely.
Does not automatically maintain the databases.
Backup is left to the hosting provider.


The installer can import the data from version 1.3.
To do that it will contact the MySQL database of version 1.3, import the Bibles, notes, and other important data, and write it to the SQLite database of version 1.4.
Version 1.4 will only import if it has no data yet of its own.

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