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[be] (no subject)

From: carlo betta
Subject: [be] (no subject)
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 23:33:42 +0100 (CET)


My name is Carlo and I'm writing from Italy, so you have to forgive me for 
my english...

I'm trying to learn how to use Bibledit on my Ubuntu 8.10. I 
downloaded the 3.6 source version and I installed it.

My first problem is how 
to do a list of italian Bible books, which are 73, not 66. 

I created a 
language ("language_italiano") and a versification ("versification_italiano"), 
but I don't understand how to create a mapping: what have I to insert in this 
file? I don't understand what kind of Bible book insert in it and what I must 
specify about them.

A second problem I have is to import a html text in 
bibledit: I tried to use "import raw text" option, without any result.

third problem is that: I will use Bibledit also to make other italian textes to 
convert them into sword modules and use them in Xiphos or Bibletime; I'm 
teacher of italian literature, so I wish made an edition of Dante's "Divine 
Comedy" to using it with my pupils in Bibletime or Xiphos: is it possible to 
do? I think that the only need will be a "language", "versification" and 
"mapping" system, or not?

The last problem is that: when I open Bibledit 
(which runs very slowly on my laptop...), it appears a window with commentary 
or other features, but not a biblical text window: where I can write my Bible 
text? Wher I can paste a text copied from other source? I read the online help 
of Bibledit, but I did'nt understand how I have to do... 

Sorry for my 
ignorance and thanks a lot for your patience.

God bless you.

Carlo Betta - 
Parma (Italy) - address@hidden

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