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[Bino-list] XBMC plugin issues

From: Jörg Knitter
Subject: [Bino-list] XBMC plugin issues
Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 18:00:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20110414 Thunderbird/3.1.10


yesterday, I gave the XBMC plugin a try, but unfortunately, I did not have success.

I am running yaVDR ( which is a distribution based on Ubuntu focused on VDR for PVR usage and XBMC for multimedia playback. I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade, and the XBMC logfiles says that it´s Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS on kernel 2.6.32-31-generic; XBMC is said to be built on Jan. 01 2011, SVN:Dharma+pvr~odk48 - please tell me, where I get more details if needed.

This is how I installed bino:
apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lion-simba/bino-mt
apt-get update
apt-get install bino

Installing the XBMC plugin from the zip archive and starting it using the video/video addons menu (or similar ;)) and selecting a movie with the autodetection feature, I get a script error. Using the manual setting, I can select the movie, the 3D type - and then I get neither an error message nor the movie is being played.
Bino seems to work as I am able to start it in an xterm windows.

This is an excerpt of the XBMC logfile when using the autodetection menu:
NOTICE: [3DPlayer 1] Generating informations of 3D movie: "/mnt/3DMovie.mkv"
ERROR: dll_fstat64 emulated function failed
WARNING: dll_setvbuf - May not be implemented correctly
ERROR: dll_fstat64 emulated function failed
WARNING: dll_setvbuf - May not be implemented correctly
NOTICE: [3DPlayer 1] Checking if movie is side-by-side or over/under
NOTICE: [3DPlayer 1] Checking if movie is half sbs
INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.NameError
ERROR: Error Contents: global name 'isHalfSBSSideBySide' is not defined
ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.3Dvideo.player/", line 105, in ?
File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.3Dvideo.player/", line 50, in handleListing mystarter.play3DMovie(self.settings.playerLocation, self.settings.mediainfoLocation, fileSelect, self.settings.outputVideo, self.settings.audioLang, self.settings.subtitleLang) File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.3Dvideo.player/", line 65, in play3DMovie, appMediaInfo, fileLocation, outVideoFormat, audio, subtitle) File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.3Dvideo.player/resources/lib/", line 351, in play
if isHalfSBSSideBySide(IN):
NameError: global name 'isHalfSBSSideBySide' is not defined
INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--

Any hints?

With kind regards

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