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[Bino-list] equalizer bino --loop skips beginning/end

From: Ben Simons
Subject: [Bino-list] equalizer bino --loop skips beginning/end
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:27:33 +1000
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I've made a 360-frame stereo mpeg movie, which plays back on bino ok.
The test movie has the current frame-number baked into it.

However, when bino plays in --loop mode, it doesn't play the last couple
of frames, and it skips the beginning frames.

Instead it only loops over frames 251-343 (approx).

Has anyone else seen this?
Would it have to do with the way the mpeg is encoded?  My 'mkmpg' is:

 $ ffmpeg -y -i imgFrame.%04d.jpg -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -qp 0 movie.tb.mp4

Does a "lossless" mp4 have too many Reference frames to negotiate, or something like that?

any thoughts?
thx, ben.

Running: gentoo linux (3.12.21),  bino 1.5 built with Equalizer's Buildyard - equalizer v1.7.14

 $ bino --version
bino: Bino version 1.5.0
bino:     Copyright (C) 2013 the Bino developers.
bino:     This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the
bino:     terms of the GNU General Public License. There is NO WARRANTY, to the
bino:     extent permitted by law.
bino: Platform:
bino:     x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
bino: Libraries used:
AL lib: (EE) ALSANoMMapProc: available update failed: Broken pipe
bino:     FFmpeg:
bino:         libavformat 54.63.104 / 54.63.104
bino:         libavdevice 54.3.103 / 54.3.103
bino:         libavcodec 54.92.100 / 54.92.100
bino:         libswscale 2.2.100 / 2.2.100
bino:     LibASS:
bino:         0.10.1
bino:     OpenAL:
bino:         Version 1.1 ALSOFT 1.15.1
bino:         Renderer OpenAL Soft
bino:         Vendor OpenAL Community
bino:     OpenGL:
bino:         Version 4.4.0 NVIDIA 337.25
bino:         Renderer Quadro K5000/PCIe/SSE2
bino:         Vendor NVIDIA Corporation
bino:     GLEW:
bino:         1.10.0
bino:     Equalizer:
bino:         1.7.3 / 1.7.3
bino:     LIRC Client:
bino:         not used
bino:     Qt:
bino:         4.8.5 / 4.8.5

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