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Re: skeleton-handling.patch

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: skeleton-handling.patch
Date: 30 Dec 2001 11:31:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

>>>>> "robert" == robert anisko <address@hidden> writes:

robert> Hi!  Here is a first patch towards a better handling of parser
robert> skeletons.  If it looks good to everyone, I'll apply it.

It looks good to me, congrats!  But 1. don't forget to cvs add before
cvs diff, otherwise, we just don't see the new files, and 2., please
use reasonably short file names.  scanskel and parseskel come to my

robert> There are still a few things missing with this code:

robert> * It makes the production of multiple files for a given parser
robert> possible, but there's no selection yet, thus, -d still works
robert> in the old way.


robert> * The testsuite fails in, in tests 12, 14, and 15,
robert> where c++ extensions are used.

no problem.

robert> Otherwise, it seems to work fine.

Please, install when you want!

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