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Re: Bison scanner patch to fix POSIX incompatibilities, etc.

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: Bison scanner patch to fix POSIX incompatibilities, etc.
Date: 07 Nov 2002 09:58:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

| > | In hand-written code I have seen it only for strings (and in the
| > | International Obfuscated C code contest -- I won a prize there once
| > | :-).  
| > 
| > Congrats :)  I didn't know that.  Puke...
| Hey, I _used_ that code to ship files to others back in the days when
| bandwidth was expensive and not everybody had gzip/compress/uuencode/etc.
| It wasn't just a contest entry, honest!

Well, then you _do_ have a personal programming style :)

| I guess I will run this issue by the POSIX committee and see what they
| say.  I'll urge that digraphs not be supported, but it's not a big
| deal either way for me.

I find it amusing that POSIX walks the wchar_t and di/trigraphs ways
simultaneously :)

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