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[Bkchem-user] Hydrogen labels and \n for new lines

From: Robert Funnell
Subject: [Bkchem-user] Hydrogen labels and \n for new lines
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 14:23:44 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (WNT 1167 2008-08-23)

I just discovered BKchem yesterday and I like it. I had some difficulty getting started with the documentation that I found, so I created a little Web page to remind me of what I've learned. FWIW, it's at http://audilab.bmed.mcgill.ca/~funnell/swil_bkchem.html.
I hope that it's accurate as far as it goes.

As noted on that page, I ran across a couple of problems.

One is that I couldn't get BKchem to not display the labels of hydrogen atoms once I'd specified them as hydrogen. Is that what the Options > Standard > Atom setting is supposed to do?

The second point is that I had trouble with using \n for new lines. The new lines were not respected when I displayed in Firefox using SVG or PDF formats, except for the piddle PDF which had some other problems. The \n also caused some weird behaviour when I went back to edit the text - the \n itself was no longer displayed in the text-editing area, and deletions didn't happen where the cursor was displayed. Is this just me?

Thanks for a neat programme.

- Robert

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