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[Bontz-team] frenzy, text/menu, code structure

From: Owen Swerkstrom
Subject: [Bontz-team] frenzy, text/menu, code structure
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 12:20:31 -0700 (PDT)

tell you what, Chuck.  If you get cracking on the
tile/map/object systems, I'll finish the text message
stuff myself, and see what I can do about implementing
a game-universal input handler and pointer system.

Perhaps at all times there should be one Cursor
object, which normally just takes user input, passes
it along to the appropriate sprite, and doesn't draw
anything.  But when its members get updated (a new
list of CursorTarget objects gets passed in, or some
such) a pointy-finger cursor is drawn at the
coordinates of the first CursorTarget and the Cursor
intercepts the input, letting it guide the cursor and
select or cancel things.  Unless you see something
screwy with doing it that way, that's how I'll start
working at it.

Speaking of objects, since we are going the OO route,
how much do you want the program's structure to be
encapsulated?  Are we going to do the whole nine yards
of having main() just instanciate one BontzGame object
or something, or will the main game loop be in main()?
 I don't have much preference.  But as we start
transforming our little demo into a piece of alpha
software, we should know what our goal is in terms of
how much to be ripped out of bontz.cpp and handled elsewhere.

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