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a2ps hangs on printing largish perl module

From: Christian Borup
Subject: a2ps hangs on printing largish perl module
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 15:08:22 +0200

Hi there

I have a largish perl module of 1682 lines, about 28 pages when printed,
that causes a2ps to hang.
I have made 3 small changes to the style sheet, to make it handle $", $`
and $' corectly. The style sheet is attached. I've been unable to find
anything wrong with the stylesheet, even using the debug commands from
the manual.

I'm running:

     a2ps 4.13
     Linux Mandrake 7.0
     glibc 2.1.3
     gcc 2.95.2

# perl.ssh --- Sheet definitions for Perl files
# Copyright (c) 1988-1993 Miguel Santana
# Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Akim Demaille, Miguel Santana, Denis Girou

# This file is part of a2ps.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

# Finer grained sub, require etc. handling (regexps?)
# Make the difference between a proto and a def
# Generic s/// handling?

style Perl is

written by "Denis Girou <address@hidden>"
version is 2.11
requires a2ps version 4.13

documentation is
   "As most interpreted languages, Perl is very free on its syntax, what"
   "leads to significant problems for a pretty printer.  Please, be kind"
   "with our try.  Any improvement is most welcome."
end documentation

first alphabet is
second alphabet is
case sensitive

keywords in Keyword_strong are
    if, BEGIN, CORE, END, __FILE__, __LINE__, abs, accept, alarm, and,
    atan, atan2, bind, binmode, bless, caller, chdir, chmod, chop,
    chown, chr, chroot, close, closedir, cmp, connect, continue, cos,
    crypt, dbmclose, dbmopen, defined, delete, die, do, dump, each,
    else, elsif, endgrent, endhostent, endnetent, endprotoent,
    endpwent, endservent, eof, eq, eval, exec, exit, exp, fcntl,
    fileno, flock, for, foreach, fork, formline, ge, getc, getgrent,
    getgrgid, getgrnam, gethostbyaddr, gethostbyname, gethostent,
    getlogin, getnetbyaddr, getnetbyname, getnetent, getpeername,
    getpgrp, getppid, getpriority, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber,
    getprotoent, getpwent, getpwnam, getpwuid, getservbyname,
    getservbyport, getservent, getsockname, getsockopt, glob, gmtime,
    goto, grep, gt, hex, index, int, ioctl, join, keys, kill, last,
    lc, lcfirst, le, length, link, listen, local, localtime, log,
    lstat, lt, mkdir, msgctl, msgget, msgrcv, msgsnd, my, ne, next,
    not, oct, open, opendir, or, ord, pack, package, pipe, pop, print,
    printf, push, q, qq, quotemeta, qw, rand, read, readdir, readline,
    readlink, readpipe, recv, redo, ref, rename, require, reset,
    return, reverse, rewinddir, rindex, rmdir, seek, seekdir, select,
    semctl, semget, semop, send, setgrent, sethostent, setnetent,
    setpgrp, setpriority, setprotoent, setpwent, setservent,
    setsockopt, shift, shmctl, shmget, shmread, shmwrite, shutdown,
    sin, sleep, socket, socketpair, sort, split, sprintf, sqrt, srand,
    stat, study, sub, substr, symlink, syscall, sysread, system,
    syswrite, tell, telldir, time, times, truncate, uc, ucfirst,
    umask, undef, unless, unlink, unpack, unshift, until, use, utime,
    values, vec, wait, waitpid, wantarray, warn, while, write, x, xor
end keywords

# Since regex cannot be spread upon several lines, they are
# handled thanks to operators, not sequences.
operators are
    # I'd be damned.  $' is not starting a string :(
    "$'" Plain,
    "$`" Plain,
    "$\"" Plain,
    # and $# does not start a comment.
    "$#" Plain,
    # There can be quoted characters in the test.
    /\\\\./ Plain,

    # Functions calls
    /(&[[:alnum:]_]+)/ Label,

    # Regular expressions: chars not (`/' and '\') or `\.' between `/'.
    /\/([^\\\/]|\\\\.)*\// Plain,

    # Matching:
    # One regexp with a single char as delimiter
    (/(m)/                      # 1. The command: `m'
     /([[:punct:]])/            # 2. The delimiter
     /(/                        # 3. The regexp
     /\\2/                      # Closer
     \1 Keyword_strong, \2 Plain, \3 Plain, \2 Plain),

    # Substitution and transliteration:
    # two regexps with a single char as delimiter
    (/(s|tr)/                   # 1. The command: `tr' or `s'
     /(([[:punct:]])/           # 2. The delimiter
     /(/                        # 3. The *two* regexps
     /(.|\\\\.)*/               #   First regexp
     /\\3/                      #   Separator
     /(.|\\\\.)*/               #   Second Regexp
     /)/                        #
     /\\3)/                     # Closer
     \1 Keyword_strong, \2 Plain),

    # Substitution and transliteration:
    # two regexps with ()() as delimiter
    (/(s|tr)/                   # The command: `tr' or `s'
     /(\\(/                     # The delimiter
     /([^)]|\\\\.)*/            # First part
     /\\)[^(]*\\(/              # The separation
     /([^)]|\\\\.)*/            # Second part
     /\\))/                     # Closer
     \1 Keyword_strong, \2 Plain),

    # Substitution and transliteration:
    # two regexps with {}{} as delimiter
    (/(s|tr)/                   # The command: `tr' or `s'
     /(\\{/                     # The delimiter
     /([^}]|\\\\.)*/            # First part
     /\\}[^{]*\\{/              # The separation
     /([^}]|\\\\.)*/            # Second part
     /\\})/                     # Closer
     \1 Keyword_strong, \2 Plain),

    # Substitution and transliteration:
    # two regexps with [][] as delimiter
    (/(s|tr)/                   # The command: `tr' or `s'
     /(\\[/                     # The delimiter
     /([^]]|\\\\.)*/            # First part
     /\\][^[]*\\[/              # The separation
     /([^]]|\\\\.)*/            # Second part
     /\\])/                     # Closer
     \1 Keyword_strong, \2 Plain)
end operators

sequences are
    # Strings
    "'" Plain String "'" Plain
       exceptions are
       end exceptions,
    "`" Plain String "`" Plain
       exceptions are
       end exceptions,

    # A few << Constructs seen in html2ps and help2man
    "<<EOC" Plain /^EOC/,
    "<<EOD" Plain /^EOD/,
    "<<EOT" Plain /^EOT/,
    "<<'EOR'" Plain /^EOR/,

    # Comments
    "#"            Comment,
    /^=/           Comment_strong        /^=cut/,

    # Some declarations
    (/(package|sub|require|use)/        # \1. the keyword
     /([[:blank:]]+)/           # \2. blanks
     \1 Keyword_strong, \2 Plain) (Label_strong  + Index1)
        closers are
          /$/ Plain,
          /[ ;{]/ Plain
        end closers
end sequences

# Trying to support Some regexp from here
sequences are
  # Regular expressions: m{}, m(), and m[]
  ("m(" "m" Keyword_strong, "(") Plain ")"
     exceptions are
     end exceptions,
  ("m{" "m" Keyword_strong, "{") Plain "}"
     exceptions are
     end exceptions,
  ("m[" "m" Keyword_strong, "[") Plain "]"
     exceptions are
     end exceptions
end sequences

end style

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