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a2ps 4.12:odd-even

From: Jesus Guillermo Contreras Nuno
Subject: a2ps 4.12:odd-even
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:22:44 -0600 (CST)


this is not really a bug,
but I can not find a solution.

I have some hundreds of ps files which I need
to print. My printer do not print both sides
of a page by itself.

normally when using a2ps in one file and then
viewing it with gv, I can select odd and even
pages to print them separately and manually 
turn over the pages to get them printed in both
sides of the page.

now using several files with a2ps, gv can not
select even/odd pages. I tried pssselect in the
produced file and
it does nothing (well it produces a copy of the file
but nothing to help me)

the point is we are talking about hundreds of files 
(around 200) and about 2000 pages of the output
a2ps. So I do not want to a2ps each file, and print each
one on both sides, nor I want to throw away
thousand pages ...

any hints?



              *                                          *
              *   Dr. Jesus Guillermo Contreras Nuno     *
              *   CINVESTAV-IPN Unidad Merida            *
              *   Departamento de Fisica Aplicada        *
              *   Carretera Antigua a Progreso KM 6      *
              *   A. P. 73 Cordemex                      *
              *   97310 Merida, Yucatan                  *
              *   M E X I C O                            *
              *                                          *
              *   Tel 00 52 99 812931 ext 282            *
              *   Fax 00 52 99 812917                    *
              *                                          *
              *   e-mail: address@hidden     *
              *                                          *

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