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a2ps -- a comma rather a dot in the ps file --

From: Benoit Tournerie
Subject: a2ps -- a comma rather a dot in the ps file --
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 13:34:07 -0500


I have a problem with a2ps. 
Let first define two configurations that I can use:
Conf-A : a2ps-4.13b.15 , psutils 1.17.13 , RedHat 7.2
Conf-B : a2ps-4.13b.13 , psutils 1.17.10 , RedHat 7.1

When I generate the ps file using each configurations, I found small 
variations between the two files at several lines: 
        a "comma" in conf-A and a "dot" in conf-B
Some example obtained using "diff fileA.ps fileB.ps"
Conf-A                  vs      Conf-B
/th 15,000000 def               /th 15.000000 def
/bfs 7,493857 def               /bfs 7.493857 def
/cw  4,496314 def               /cw  4.496314 def
     ^^^                             ^^^
     a comma                         a dot      ???

The problem is that Conf-A files can not be viewed and 
printed. So, my question is: 
        How can I fix the variation (dot vs comma) ?
        Is it a problem with a2ps+psutils version or RedHat ?


Benoit Tournerie

Benoît Tournerie, Ph.D.                 École Polytechnique de Montréal
Associé de recherche                    Département des génies C.G.M.
Tél  : (514) 340 4711 ext. 3710         CP 6079 succ. Centre Ville
Fax  : (514) 340 3970                   Montréal (Québec) H3C 3A7 Canada

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