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[Bug-apl] GNU APL Finnish keyboard xmodmap layout and SVN Debian/Ubuntu

From: Miika Oksman
Subject: [Bug-apl] GNU APL Finnish keyboard xmodmap layout and SVN Debian/Ubuntu installation instructions
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:41:08 +0200
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.22


I wrote a quick modification of GNU APL's supplied xmodmap layout for
Finnish keyboards and short installation instructions for SVN version of
GNU APL in Debian/Ubuntu environment:


These instructions use Menu and Menu+Shift as Mode_switch for writing APL
characters. Shift+Menu in that order sends the original Menu message to

I don't know if that xmodmap layout would merit inclusion in GNU APL
package for Finnish or maybe Swedish users with the same keyboard layout,
but hopefully these instructions might help someone getting started with

After reading this mailing list, I tried to include also some pointers
about terminal background colors, GNU APL's preferences file and the basic
")OFF" command, but I think that some kind of a wiki might be a better
platform for these notes.

Best wishes,

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