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Re: [Bug-apl] Strange domain error

From: Blake McBride
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] Strange domain error
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 12:07:20 -0500

Dear Juergen,

Thank you very much for your explanation.  Whatever you did, it certainly fixed the problem.  I am sure as time goes on there will be optimizations.  As far as I can tell, the system is working really great.



On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Blake,

GNU APL normally chooses the generic way. The reason is simple: there are 3x3 = 9 combinations of INT REAL and COMPLEX arguments
of a dyadic functions (or 3×3×3=27 if you also count the axis). With 24 or so scalar functions this would give more than 200 cases
- too much for a lazy guy like me.

Another problem is that real arithmetic can lead to complex results, eg. ¯1⋆.5.

What GNU APL does is checking of the result type (INT, REAL, or COMPLEX) rather than the argument types,
and to demote complex near-real results to real and real near-int values to int.

Contrary to your opinion below, the most generic number type in GNU APL is not double but complex<double>.
And that causes the failure that was fixed in SVN 219. The internal 0J0 result was not properly recognized as near-real, so it was left as is.

Type specific functions are only used if:

1. they have considerably better performance than a generic variant, and
2. they are frequently used with large arguments

That was not the case for Encode.

So the clear integer 0 was 0J0 (to be generic) and was not converted back to 0 by mistake.

There is a serious problem with ⎕CT as such. ⎕CT is 1E¯13 by default but our numbers can be as small
as 1E¯308. So we cannot simply set everything small (say < 1E¯13) to 0, or make complex numbers with small
imaginary parts real, because we would loose precision when doing so. The strategy of GNU APL is to keep
internal precision as long as possible and to demote only if absolutely necessary. This decision is on a per-primitive
base. Encode was actually demoted, except that demotion of 0J0 did not result in integer 0.

I would also say that your rules below are implemented in GNU APL to the extent that they are correct.
They are not, though, since Integer + Integer can be double if the maximum integer is exceeded (and so on...).

/// Jürgen

On 06/11/2014 05:52 PM, Blake McBride wrote:
Thanks a lot, Juergen!  Disconnected from the standard, I fail to see how a clear integer can become a complex - especially in relation to code/decode.  I think there is something fundamentally wrong.  

I make the following comments just based on my own experience with numbers, and without experience with the GNU APL code.  I also think it is highly likely you know a lot more about this than I.  I just wanted to share, a perhaps ignorant, opinion.  I apologize in advanced.

Numbers have various representations including integer, floating point, and complex.  There are two ways (for the purposes of this commentary) of performing calculations as follows:

1.  Remember the exact type and perform the calculation based on the type or circumstances, i.e.

switch (number type) {
case INTEGER:  int_res = int_x + int_y;  break;
case: FLOAT:  float_res = float_x + float_y; break;
case: COMPLEX: complex_res = complex_x + complex_y; break;

2.  Do it generically:

res = x + y;

In other words, in all places in a C program, one can define all numbers to be double (generic math), and do all calculations on doubles.  The problem, of course, is the unfixable rounding errors in cases when only needing integer calculations.

It is a lot more work to remember the data types and keep the math at the simplest level than to generalize it as all just math in too broad a generic way.

Irrespective of any "standards", I fail to see operating on integers in an integer-only way can bypass reals and become complex numbers.  It seems like the math is being done way too generically.  If that is true, there is ultimately no  ⎕CT tweaking that will ever reliably fix the problem.

I think the system should incorporate rules.  Things like:

a.  integer plus/minus/times integer always equals integer

b.  integer divided by integer produces float but never complex

c.  float plus/minus/times/divide float/integer produced float and never complex

d.  etc.

It is not possible for ⎕CT to substitute for rules like these.  ⎕CT can only be used to minimize problems but never to eliminate them.  Although, there are many situations where there is utterly no fix, utilizing rules like these makes the system easy for the programmer to deal with - i.e. he knows when he's created a problem (like using division).

Just for grins, I tried the problem on IBM APL 2.  It had no problem with 200.  Is there a ⎕CT test I can do to determine if they are involving ⎕CT?

One serious fear is that APL uses 0 to represent false.  Conditional statements control the flow of a program.  What happens if we cannot rely on zero being zero?

With deep respect and appreciation for what you have done,


On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:

I have changed the code so that near-zero complex numbers in ⊤ are
demoted to integer 0, see SVN 319. This isn't quite in line with the standard
who says that ⎕CT is not used in ⊤, but makes more sense to me.

/// Jürgen

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