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Re: [Bug-apl] How to evaluate a block of source like a file?

From: Elias Mårtenson
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] How to evaluate a block of source like a file?
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 12:20:49 +0800

OK, I have updated everything and the code works fine. There is only one more outstanding issue and that is that your function set_line_no() doesn't work yet.

In the meantime, I'm simply sending N number of blank lines before the actual block in order to coerce the line number to be correct.

Once this is ready I don't have any blocking issues left preventing a release of 1.4.


On 7 August 2014 00:02, Elias Mårtenson <address@hidden> wrote:

I've implemented this bow and it works exactly the way you said it would. Very nice.

The only issue is the evaluation. As of now, I have to type any command into the interpreter in order to have the input take effect.

How should I deal with this? One way would be to send left tack, zilde to the normal input. I find that to be a bit ugly though. Is there a better solution?


On 6 Aug 2014 18:30, "Elias Mårtenson" <address@hidden> wrote:
Thank you. I had actually looked at that method too, but I thought that the line number stuff was handled by the Archive stuff.

I'm testing it out now.

By the way, it seems as though the set_line_no change hasn't been pushed yet.


On 6 August 2014 18:26, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Elias,

when I said "have a look at" I meant to see how it works, not to call it.
There relevant lines are Workspace.cc:789 :

InputFile fam(filename, file, false, false, true, with_LX);
   InputFile::files_todo.insert(InputFile::files_todo.begin(), fam);

That pushes filename onto the input file stack and its content will be read next.
No need for #! etc.

I have added a  set_line_no() function so that you can do:

fam.set_line_no(your number); before insert()ing it. Next SVN.

I should mention that you need to return to immediate execution mode
for the input to be read.

/// Jürgen

On 08/06/2014 10:43 AM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
OK, I now have a better understanding of how loading works.

I have a request though:

I would like to be able to specify to Workspace::copy_WS that my input file contains APL code, and nothing else. This is because the Emacs mode has the ability to send parts of a file to the interpreter, and in such cases there is no #! tag in the beginning of the block.

I can of course work around this by prepending the data with #!, but then the lines numbers are no longer correct (if I send a block that contains the first line of a file, the lined numbers in the function metadata will be off by one).

How about another optional(?) argument to copy_WS that specifies the input type?


On 6 August 2014 13:51, Elias Mårtenson <address@hidden> wrote:
Thanks, I've tried this and I'm having some problems. I'm probably not doing things right.

I'm doing something similar to:

string filename = "/tmp/xyz";
int fd = open( filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY );
Workspace::load_DUMP( COUT, UTF8_string( filename ), handle, false );

The load seems to succeed, but none of the code in the file seems to be executed.

What am I doing wrong here?

Or, should I be using InputFile directly?


On 5 August 2014 23:57, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Elias,

I guess something like that exists already. Have look at
how )LOAD works for .apl files. There is a stack of file descriptors
for the files read by Input and you can push an open file descriptor onto it. The
only thing that doesn't work is to stop in the middle of a file (unless you insert
a ]NEXTFILE command at that point.

/// Jürgen

On 08/05/2014 05:39 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
Hello Jürgen,

What I mean by the somewhat mysterious subject is that I have had a request to implement (or rather, improve) a feature in the Emacs Mode that allows a user to evaluate all or part of a file.

Specifically, what is needed is a way for me to take a set of source lines (usually a portion of a source .apl file) and pass it to some function that will load execute those lines in exactly the same manner as if the content had been saved to a file and then loaded using )COPY.

Ideally, I would also need the ability to specify the name of the file and starting line number. This is so that the symbol metadata (filename and line number) are correct in functions that are defined in this manner.

Would it be possible for you to implement a function that provides such interface?


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