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[Bug-apl] APL fill elements

From: Peter Teeson
Subject: [Bug-apl] APL fill elements
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 14:15:51 -0400

Is there a nice way to set the fill element for arrays?
Right now it's 0 for numeric and ' ' for character.

Because my function, that is deliberately ⎕IO agnostic, produces an m by n 
array of different length vectors as a result of using X←(⊂matrix)foo¨matrix. 
These vectors are certain indices into the original matrix This is precisely 
what I want.

However in ⊃X each vector is filled with 0 - which, when ⎕IO is also 0, is also 
a legitimate index. And I don't want that. 

I suppose I could set ⎕IO locally but it doesn't appeal to my sense of elegance 
- although it would be practical! Sigh!

So it would be nice to allow me to set the fill element to something other than 
the default values.




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