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Re: [Bug-apl] API for GNU APL

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] API for GNU APL
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 11:57:40 +0100
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Hi Dirk,

A *Value_P* object is basically a pointer to a *Value* object, pretty much what is sometimes called a smart pointer or a shared pointer. The purpose of a *Value_P* is to delete the *Value* it
points to when the last *Value_P *is deleted.

You should never use references to *Value_P *objects. You may use references to *const Value &* instead
which can be obtained through *Value_P::getref()*.

A *const Value &* is safe as long as the value exists;
A non-const*Value &* is somewhat dangerous.

A *Value_P *should never be allocated via *new* (and not freed by *delete*). It should also not be used in the way suggested by your PCLONE macro below. Instead you can simply copy *Value_P* objects like integers:

*Value_P value(new Value(...));   // a pointer to a new Value object**
**Value_P copy = value;            // a copy of the pointer!*

Also, a *Value* object should never be allocated via *new *except when constructing a *Value_P* object from it.

Note that above *copy* points to the /same/ *Value* object as *value* because *copy* is a copy of the pointer and not a copy of *value* itself. If you want a different value that is equal to the first then you can use *value->clone() *like this:

*Value_P copy = value->clone(LOC);*   // a (deep) copy of the *value*

This is typically needed when *value* is assigned to a variable and then modified or deleted .

At some point in time you may want to issue the APL command *)CHECK *to see if your code has created any
stale *Value* objects.

/// Jürgen

On 02/22/2015 10:26 AM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
Hi Jürgen:

I've got code that works except for bugs unconnected with the GNU APL

I decided to implement the interface as a wrapper for an item of type
`const Value_P&`. API.cc contains the following lines:

// The commented-out variants give segmentation errors, I don't understand why.
// Maybe needed only when `value` is Value*. not when it is already Value_P.
// Jürgen will know.
// #define PCLONE(valuep) valuep
// #define PCLONE(valuep) Value_P(valuep)
#define PCLONE(valuep) *(new Value_P(valuep))

I.e. instead of initializing the item as e.g. `symbol->get_value()`,
I initialize it as `PCLONE(symbol->get_value())`.

I have not laboriously checked in which places this additional `new`
is really necessary, all I know is that it is necessary for at least one
of them.

Best wishes

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