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Re: [Bug-apl] )copy problem

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] )copy problem
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 22:20:00 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.2.0


I believe the command as such works:

      0 0⍴⍎')COPY 5 HTML.apl'
HTML∆A              HTML∆Assert     HTML∆Body           HTML∆Document
HTML∆H1             HTML∆H2         HTML∆H3             HTML∆H4
HTML∆HTTP_header    HTML∆Head       HTML∆Html           HTML∆Img
HTML∆Li             HTML∆Link       HTML∆Ol             HTML∆Style
HTML∆T              HTML∆TX_B_1     HTML∆TX_B_E         HTML∆TX_B_E_1
HTML∆Title          HTML∆Ul         HTML∆__h_w          HTML∆__rel
HTML∆__src          HTML∆__type     HTML∆__width        HTML∆_alt
HTML∆_content       HTML∆_height    HTML∆_href          HTML∆_http_eq
HTML∆_name          HTML∆attr       HTML∆debug          HTML∆emit
HTML∆emit_1         HTML∆indent     HTML∆indent_2       HTML∆x2y
HTML∆xbox           HTML⍙Author     HTML⍙BugEmail       HTML⍙Documentaion
HTML⍙Download       HTML⍙License    HTML⍙Portability    HTML⍙Provides
HTML⍙Requires       HTML⍙Version

One thing I am not getting is the library numbers used (5 in my case, 0 in yours).

Another thing to look at is the library paths (as displayed by
the )LIBS command). It could be the the paths are different when you use
apl interactively compared to using it from a script or via a web server.

Just add e.g.

      )LIB 0

at the beginning of the script to see if apl has a chance to find the HTML workspace.
In a normal web server setyup, the user executing the web server is different from
the normal user and this may lead to different $HOMEs. Library numbers 0-2
often default to the current directory, which are typically different for a web server and
a normal user.

A safe way of handling this is to specify the lib root in the 'preferences' files of the
different users involved.

/// Jürgen

On 01/26/2017 09:22 PM, address@hidden wrote:
at the top of 

there is 
0 0⍴⍎')COPY 5 HTML.apl'

when i do       )copy 0 HTML.apl
loading )DUMP file /apl/workspaces/HTML.apl...

but using the code from the APL_demo.html
      0 0⍴⍎')copy 0 HTML.apl'
      )copy 0 HTML.apl
my system problem or?   is 'script' involved?

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