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Re: [Bug-apl] SVN 984 changes

From: Peter Teeson
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] SVN 984 changes
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2017 22:05:13 -0400

Hi Jürgen:
If you are working with Make please look at Make DOXY 
which doesn’t work on Mac (in my case but maybe others as well)

On Macintosh there is a Doxygen download from their site.
"Doxygen-1.8.13.dmg (54.6MB) ( ftp | http )
This is a self-contained disk image, which contains the GUI frontend. 
 The binaries support the whole range of Intel CPUs (both 32 and 64 bit). “    

Basically there is a GUI front end for configuration and then a button to run doxygen which is included in the app.
On Mac one opens the .dmg and drags the app somewhere, usually the Application folder/directory.
And then launches the app, perhaps by making it available from the dock…

To use the present Make file one would have to install doxygen itself somewhere, /usr/local/bin or some such place.

It would be interesting to know what other Mac users do, but I use the “official” one as per above….



On Aug 6, 2017, at 2:12 PM, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi David,

thanks, fixed in SVN 987, It has become difficult lately to check all possible ./configure variants.
But I am working on a solution.

Best Regards,
/// Jürgen

On 08/06/2017 06:54 PM, David B. Lamkins wrote:
With the following configure options and building after a make clean, I see a lot of warnings about old-style casts:


On Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 01:44:58PM +0200, Juergen Sauermann wrote:

I would like to inform you about 2 changes that I made in SVN 984.

1. Use of C++ casts instead of C casts
I have replaced every old-style C cast by either a C++ cast (static_cast<>(),
or const_cast<>()).
The reason for this change is to keep up with the changes in the C++ language.
Also, the Makefiles were changed to not allow C casts any longer.

2. APL_Float as class.
I have change the code so that one can use a class  APL_Float instead of the
previous typedef double APL_FLoat. An example class is provided in file
APL_Float_as_class.hh and the decision if a typedef or a class shall be used
is made in APL_types.hh via  #define APL_Float_is_class 0 or 1. This change
simplifies, for example, the introduction of libraries for higher precision

I hope all this still compiles on your machines. Make clean and a new ./
configure is
required after SVN up.

Best Regards,
Jürgen Sauermann


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