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Re: [Bug-apl] Suggestion for Quad-RE

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] Suggestion for Quad-RE
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 14:55:57 +0200
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Hi Elias,

see below.

/// Jürgen

On 10/12/2017 09:13 AM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
On 11 October 2017 at 21:15, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:
If I understand libpcre2 correctly (and I probably don't) then a general regular _expression_ RE is a tree whose
structure is determined by the nesting of the parentheses in RE, and the result of a match follows the tree structure.

Actually, this is not the case. When you have subexpressions, what you have is simply a list of them, and each subexpression has a value. Whether or not these subexpressions are nested does not matter. Its position is purely dictated by the index of the opening parentheses.

Not exactly. It is true that libpcre returns a list of matches in terms of the position of each
match in the subject string B. However any two matches are either disjoint or one match is
contained in the other. This containment relation defines a partial order between the
matches which is most conveniently described by a tree. In that tree one RE, say RE1 is a
child of another RE RE2 if the substring of B corresponding to RE2 is contained in the
substring of B that corresponds to RE2.

The question is then: shall ⎕RE simply return the array of matches (which was what your
implementation did) or shall ⎕RE return the matches as a tree? This is the same question
as shall the tree be represented as a simple vector of nodes (corresponding to an APL
vector of some kind) or shall it be represented as a recursive node-properties + children structure (corresponding to a nested APL value)?

The vector of nodes and the nested APL value are both equivalent in describing the
tree. However, converting the nested tree structure to a vector of nodes is much simpler
(in APL) than the other way around because converting a node vector to the tree involves
a lot of comparisons which are quite lightweight but extremely ugly in APL. That was why
decided to return the tree and not the vector of nodes.

Now, to have an option that drops the first element means to have an option that returns
the nodes of the result tree except its root node. Although technically possible, this sounds
very arbitrary to me. It may suit a particular use case, but it do not, IMHO, deserve a
special flag. I could also create a use case where it makes sense that only every second
node of the tree is returned, for example when matching some name=value pairs where
I am only interested in the values and not the names.

I am not entirely against a flag that goes into that direction, but I believe that flag should
determine if either the tree is returned (default) or the node vector of the of the tree if
the flag is given. Unfortunately that flag, even though it is far more consistent with the
structure of the ⎕RE result than 1↓, does not solve your 1↓ because it would still contain
the top-level match (= the root of the tree).

When you use subexpressions, it means that I am interested in specific parts of the matched string. If I am interested in a specific part of a string, it is very unlikely that I want to know the content of the entire match. But, if I do, I can always retrieve that using another set of parens that surrounds the entire regexp.

Not necessarily. It could also be a boundary condition of your match that you
only want to be satisfied no matter how. REs like  [A-Z][a-z][0-9] are often used that way.
When you don't have any subexpressions, it's most likely that I am not interested in the matched string at all, but rather just a boolean result telling me if I have a match at all.

The boolean case is simple, so the only aspect of this that warrants any discussion is how that should be achieved. My opinion is that it should be the default, but a flag can also be used.

For subexpressions, I think a few examples will help explain how they are used:

Let's assume the following regexp:


This regexp has  two subexpressions, and the result with therefore have two values. Due to the fact that they are separated by the alternation symbol (|), one of the subexpressions will always be empty. So, here are the different possible results when matching different strings:

    "AXY"  Subexpr 1: "X", Subexpr 2: ""
    "BZA"  Subexpr 1: "",  Subexpr 2: "Z"
    "CXY"  No match

Not sure if that should be so but i am not too familiar with libpre2 either. I would naively
expect that an RE of the form A|B would either return a match for A or a match for B but
not both. man pcre2pattern says:

       Vertical bar characters are used to separate alternative patterns.  For
       example, the pattern


       matches  either "gilbert" or "sullivan". Any number of alternatives may
       appear, and an empty  alternative  is  permitted  (matching  the  empty
       string). The matching process tries each alternative in turn, from left
       to right, and the first one that succeeds is used.

My understanding of this is that, for example, B is ignored if A matches. That implies that
the matching of B is not even performed so "" (for no match) would be incorrect because
B could also match as well.

(with the current implementation, there is no way I can differentiate between cases 1 and 2, which shows that the current implementation is not working correctly)

As you can see from this example, I can look at the content of subexpressions 1 and 2 to determine which of the alternatives was matched.

If I really want to see the whole match as well, I can force this by adding a third subexpression (which will be number 1 since its opening parenthesis comes first):


Here, the result will also contain the full match:

    "AXY"  Subexpr 1: "AX", Subexpr 2: "X", Subexpr 3: ""
    "BZA"  Subexpr 1: "BZ", Subexpr 2: "",  Subexpr 3: "Z"
    "CXY"  No match

I hope this helps explain why my design was the way it was. There is an argument that the no-subexpression case should not return the full match but rather a boolean value simply indicating whether a match was found or not. In that case the old behaviour can still be achieved by wrapping the entire regexp in a set of parentheses as shown above. However, I think a flag to achieve this would be more clear.


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