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Re: [Bug-AUCTeX] rel-0-9-1; preview and source specials

From: Ralf Angeli
Subject: Re: [Bug-AUCTeX] rel-0-9-1; preview and source specials
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:16:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

* Arthur Ogus (2005-08-23) writes:

> Hi.  I'd like to use TeXniscope with source specials.
> Unfortunately the view command after this plugin is
> installed doesn't start the emacs server.

I don't know about any "plugin", what it is or what it does, so I
cannot comment on it.

> (Just plain
> auctex does try to start the server, but I can't get it
> to use texniscope instead of xdvi.)

As explained in the manual, see (info "(auctex)Viewing"), you have to
customize the variable `TeX-output-view-style'.  The syntax of the
variable and its parts (involving regular expressions and custom
expanders) may be hard to grasp, especially when looking at its
default value.  Sooner or later I want to hide this variable from end
users and replace it by an easier interface for customization.  Until
this happens, maybe you can help us to provide a sort of theme for Mac
users similar to what we have with the file tex-mik.el for
Windows/MikTeX users.

This is basically what is involved with viewer configuration and
source specials in tex-mik.el:

(setq TeX-output-view-style
      '(("^dvi$" "^pstricks$\\|^pst-\\|^psfrag$" "dvips %d -o && start %f")
        ("^dvi$" "." "yap -1 %dS %d")
        ("^pdf$" "." "start %o")
        ("^html?$" "." "start %o")))

(setq TeX-source-specials-view-position-flags "-s %n%b"))

(setq TeX-source-specials-view-editor-flags ""))

AFAIK `open' on Mac OS X is something similar to `start' on Windows.
So `TeX-output-view-style' on Mac OS X with TeXniscope as the
preferred viewer would probably be set like this:

(setq TeX-output-view-style
      '(("^dvi$" "^pstricks$\\|^pst-\\|^psfrag$" "dvips %d -o && open %f")
        ("^dvi$" "." "open -a TeXniscope.app %dS %d")
        ("^pdf$" "." "open -a TeXniscope.app %o")
        ("^html?$" "." "open %o")))

Maybe somebody with knowledge of Mac OS X can verify this.

Then we'd need to know which options to pass to TeXniscope for forward
and inverse searching in order to set the variables
`TeX-source-specials-view-position-flags' and
`TeX-source-specials-view-editor-flags'.  Unfortunately the homepage
of TeXniscope doesn't provide any information on that, so maybe
somebody could post its available command line options here and how to
pass them to TeXniscope when it is opened via `open'.


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