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[Bug-AUCTeX] 11.82; font locking problems with quoted text

From: David Reitter
Subject: [Bug-AUCTeX] 11.82; font locking problems with quoted text
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 16:27:22 +0100

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.

Be sure to consult the FAQ section in the manual before submitting
a bug report.  If the bug (or problem) is triggered by a specific
(La)TeX file, you should try to produce a minimal sample file
showing the problem and include it in your report.

Your bug report will be posted to the AUCTeX bug reporting list.

The syntax highlighting regular expressions regularly get me in
trouble. Self-contained examples are below.

1. Text following ``..." is misinterpreted as string.
   In example below, text has been yanked (coming from another app)
   into the buffer. As far as I can see, LaTeX processes combinations
   of quotes like ``this" just fine, i.e. with the final " as ONE
   character, not two ''. However, the font-locking keywords from
   AUCTeX seem to have problems with it.

2. I recently had similar trouble with a << in my document. Just now I
   found out about `font-latex-quotes'. Why is it set to `french' by
   default? Can't it be nil and, if available, default to another
   language setting (from ispell, e.g.)

3. Is the interpretation of the rest of a large document as a
   quotation possibly associated with a significant slow-down of
   editing in that doucment?


In this example, normal text is interpreted as a quotation, even though I am writing in English and I'm not using french-style >>quotes<<.


{\tt >>} test {\tt <<}

THIS and all following text is highlighted as quote.





``Hello", he said.

THIS and all following text is highlighted as string.


Emacs  : GNU Emacs (powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0)
 of 2006-04-20 on rodrigues.inf.ed.ac.uk - Aquamacs Distribution 0.9.9a
Package: 11.82

current state:
 AUCTeX-date "2005-12-17"
 window-system 'mac
 LaTeX-version "2e"
 TeX-style-path '("style" "auto"
"/Applications/Aquamacs Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp/ edit-modes/auctex/style" "/Applications/Aquamacs Emacs.app/Contents/ Resources/site-lisp/edit-modes/var/auctex")
 TeX-auto-save nil
 TeX-parse-self t
 TeX-master nil
TeX-command-list '(("TeX" "%(PDF)%(tex) %S%(PDFout) \"%(mode)\ \input %t\""
                     TeX-run-TeX nil
                     (plain-tex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
                     "Run plain TeX")
                    ("LaTeX" "%l \"%(mode)\\input{%t}\"" TeX-run-TeX nil
                     (latex-mode doctex-mode) :help "Run LaTeX")
                    ("Makeinfo" "makeinfo %t" TeX-run-compile nil
                     (texinfo-mode) :help "Run Makeinfo with Info output")
                    ("Makeinfo HTML" "makeinfo --html %t" TeX-run-compile nil
                     (texinfo-mode) :help "Run Makeinfo with HTML output")
                    ("AmSTeX" "%(PDF)amstex %S%(PDFout) \"%(mode)\\input %t\""
                     TeX-run-TeX nil (ams-tex-mode) :help "Run AMSTeX")
                    ("ConTeXt" "texexec --once --texutil %(execopts)%t"
                     TeX-run-TeX nil (context-mode) :help "Run ConTeXt once")
                    ("ConTeXt Full" "texexec %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil
                     (context-mode) :help "Run ConTeXt until completion")
                    ("ConTeXt Clean" "texutil --purgeall" TeX-run-interactive
                     nil (context-mode) :help "Clean temporary ConTeXt files")
                    ("BibTeX" "bibtex %s" TeX-run-BibTeX nil t :help
                     "Run BibTeX")
                    ("View" "%V" TeX-run-discard t t :help "Run Viewer")
                    ("Print" "%p" TeX-run-command t t :help "Print the file")
                    ("Queue" "%q" TeX-run-background nil t :help
                     "View the printer queue" :visible TeX-queue-command)
                    ("File" "%(o?)dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-command t t :help
                     "Generate PostScript file")
                    ("Index" "makeindex %s" TeX-run-command nil t :help
                     "Create index file")
                    ("Check" "lacheck %s" TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode)
                     :help "Check LaTeX file for correctness")
                    ("Spell" "<ignored>" TeX-run-ispell-on-document nil t
                     :help "Spell-check the document")
                    ("XɘTeX" "\n xetex \"%(mode)\\input %t\"" TeX-run-TeX nil
                     (plain-tex-mode context-mode))
                    ("XɘLaTeX" "xelatex \"%(mode)\\input{%t}\"" TeX-run-TeX
                     nil (latex-mode context-mode))
                    ("Other" "" TeX-run-command t t :help
                     "Run an arbitrary command")

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