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[Bug-AUCTeX] Better documenting difference between AucTeX Texinfo and na

From: Vincent Belaïche
Subject: [Bug-AUCTeX] Better documenting difference between AucTeX Texinfo and native Texinfo modes
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 06:00:21 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090605)


I think that the difference of AucTeX TeXinfo mode w.r.t. to native TeXinfo mode should be better documented. This is because when you edit a TeXinfo file you still rely on the native TeXinfo to make texinfo specific thing (like updating node pointer). Here is a list of differences that could be the basis for an info node (I can further contribute it if you agree in principle that such documentation is needed).

* the `C-c ]' command is behaving like in AucTeX (closing an open environement), so to go out of brace use Texinfo `C-c }' (on a French keyboard both are as horrible to type, `C-c ]' has not benefit).

* AucTeX `C-c C-f c' does not work exactly as TeXinfo `C-c C-c c' (I take @code as an example, but this is true for all font specifiers) because the prefix argument is not handled the same way. With AucTeX an empty prefix argument means to replace the inner-most font specifier, while TeXinfo uses a numeric prefix argument to count how many words to enclose. It would be possible to merge both behaviour.
Personnally I found what AucTeX proposes more useful.

* I have not found how to access texinfo-start-menu-description by keyboard. The Texinfo C-c C-c C-d does not work. AucTeX C-c C-f C-d works like in AucTeX, it delete the innermost font specfier, which is also quite useful if you insert a font specifier, and then change your mind just after to type a few more un-fonted words before the one with a font-specifier. Also texinfo-start-menu-description is not really connected with fonts, its C-c C-c prefix is just because it is supposed to be a frequently used command. => Maybe it would be good if the builtin texinfo mode would provide another free keyboard binding for this command. Probably `C-c C-u C-d' would be a good choice, just add

   (define-key map "\C-c\C-u\C-d"   'texinfo-start-menu-description)

in texinfo.el within (defvar texinfo-mode-map ... ).

* The `C-c C-e' prefix is used to insert environments by AucTeX. So if you want to call texinfo-format-... the only way seems to be M-x ...

* In AucTeX `C-c C-m' is used for macro completion. So equivalents of `C-c C-m C-r' and `C-c C-m C-b' in AucTeX are `C-c C-r' and `C-c C-c' (where you need to chose Makeinfo within the completion list),

* In AucTeX `C-c C-t' prefix is used for toggling output mode, and for some debugging. I am not very familiar with that, basically the only one I use is C-c C-t C-p to toggle PDF/DVI.

Certainly there are full of discrepancies with the typeset and print Texinfo. Anyhow with AucTeX you would use `C-c C-c' for buffer or `C-c C-r' for region and select command TeX, Print, Index, or Queue from the completion list, whichever you like.

Best regards,


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