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bug#19714: reftex under Xemacs 21.5.33 Mule

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: bug#19714: reftex under Xemacs 21.5.33 Mule
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 15:08:07 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13001 (Ma Gnus v0.10) XEmacs/21.5-b33 (linux)

   > David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:

   > Yes, that's it.  Unfortunately, I use that on purpose in
   > `reftex-label-regexps' which is a customizable list of regexps which
   > gets `regexp-opt'ed and starts `reftex-everything-regexp'.  By default,
   > it has one entry matching \label{...} and one matching keyval
   > label={...} arguments.

   > RefTeX relies on the first group in `reftex-everything-regexp' capturing
   > the label name (see reftex-parse.el:242).  Without the explicitly
   > numbered groups, the regex for \label{...} would be group 1, but the
   > regex for label={...} would already be two.

Thanks David, for the fast response!

   > I don't see an easy fix here on my side.  So basically you have two
   > options:

   >   1. implement explicitly numbered groups in XEmacs (they are really
   >      useful in many cases)

Ok, I will see whether somebody on xemacs-beta picks it up.

   >   2. remove `reftex-label-regexps' and stick to matching only
   >      \label{...} labels without being able to match other things that
   >      also produce labels

   >      (or even simpler: remove the "?1" from the first regexp in
   >      `reftex-label-regexps' and delete the second regexp.  Also make it
   >      to a `defconst' to indicate that nobody should touch it.)

Do you mean a split in code here?

wrapped around a 

 (when (featurep 'xemacs)
Simplified version

something like this?

I will try this, but not right now unfortunately. 

Just in case, I would like to know:

Suppose I come up with a solution the way you suggest it. Would you then
include the corresponding patch to reftex? It should not do any harm to
GNU emacs.  Because otherwise I would have to replace the regexp every
time you release  a new version....


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