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bug#19724: 11.88; preview with pdftex not working

From: gojjoe
Subject: bug#19724: 11.88; preview with pdftex not working
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 21:39:11 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird/666

David, removing %(file-line-error) from LaTeX-command-style solved the problem: preview is working fine now. Thank you!

Also, in case it's useful: I temporarily reinstalled the previous version of AucTeX (11.88 – now it's 11.88.2), and preview was working fine there – and in that version the default LaTeX-command-style did NOT have the %(file-line-error) part.

Thank you very much again,

On 2015-01-29 18:22, David Kastrup wrote:

Uh oh.  The error message format gives no hint to
preview-latex about
the _column_ of the errors.  This absolutely cannot be
fixed from within
preview-latex.  Try to see whether you can configure your
pdftex to
produce a more TeX-like error message, or any other way
for the error
message to show the problematic column (the latter may
need further work
on preview-latex by the developers, but at least will move
the problem
from the state of "unfixable").

If you can do so using some command line option, that can
be configured
into AUCTeX's way of calling LaTeX, of course.

I see that your settings include

  LaTeX-command-style '((""
            "%(PDF)%(latex) %(file-line-error)
%(extraopts) %S%(PDFout)")

It would seem that the setting of %(file-line-error)
chosen for MikTeX
precludes correct column info.  As a temporary measure, it
might work to

M-x customize-variable RET LaTeX-command-style RET

and then removing the %(file-line-error) part from the

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