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bug#25564: 11.90; XEmacs lacks file-local-variables-alist and reports er

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: bug#25564: 11.90; XEmacs lacks file-local-variables-alist and reports error.
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 19:12:50 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Mosè Giordano <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Mosè & Ikumi,

>> Do you know if XEmacs has some similar feature, i.e., a way to check
>> which variables have been set using file (or directory) local
>> variables?
> If you want to check whether a variable was set locally in a
> XEmacs-compatible way you can use:
>     (local-variable-p 'variable-name (current-buffer))
> This is what is done in style/biblatex.el ;-)

No, that won't help here.  I need to know where that local binding came
from.  The reason is `LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local' and friends are
always buffer-local.  Styles like minted or lstlistings add to those
lists to make font-latex aware of the fact that, e.g., clojurecode, is a
verbatim environment generated by minted and should be highlighted as
such.  When such a style is loaded, a font-lock refresh is triggered to
put that into effect.

However, a user might also have

% Local Variables:
% LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local: ("mycode")
% End:

and the new function added to `hack-local-variables-hook' will then also
trigger a font-lock refresh.

Well, maybe we could rely that `hack-local-variables-hook' is always
executed before styles are applied (when finding a TeX file or running
`TeX-normal-mode').  In that case, if any of these variables in question
do have a local non-nil binding, then we trigger a font-lock refresh.
So we might trigger it too often but I guess that's acceptable.

Ikumi, I'll implement that now.  Could you please check if it works as
expected in the coming days?


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