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bug#50225: 13.0.14; Non-file-visiting TeX buffers

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: bug#50225: 13.0.14; Non-file-visiting TeX buffers
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:10:01 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.5; emacs 28.0.50

Hey Gustavo,

>> The problem is that not just the tex file doesn't exist but the
>> containing directory ~/test/ doesn't exist either.  But that seems to
>> be already set as `default-directory' so the shell commands testing
>> for the availability of the evince-based viewers should run in a
>> non-existend CWD.
> Well, I always create "throw away" test files under a "throw away"
> dir, not to have to deal with stray `TeX-auto-local' directories mixed
> with my actual files.  ;-)

That's a sensible habit.  I guess you haven't seen that error previously
because you always opened another tex file in some existing directory
first.  The error only occurred when tex.el was initially loaded while
default-directory was set to some non-existent directory.

>> Well, those tests will work the same no matter which
>> `default-directory', so we could bind `default-directory' to "~" for
>> those calls, I think.
>> I'll come to that when I find some spare time.
> I'm not up-to-date with the recent changes related to the issue.

No, the problem is definitely there since 2016, no recent change

> But I thank you for looking into it when you can.

Should be fixed on master.  Please give it a try.


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