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Images and texinfo

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Images and texinfo
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 23:02:27 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hello.  Is there a simple idiom to use when including images in
Texinfo manuals, or have you do everything by yourself?  Some

* Images is needed in many formats (PS, PDF, JPG/PNG or TXT).  Unless
  are all maintained as source files, rules for building all formats
  needed by texinfo, from e.g., *.fig (or perhaps some of the above,
  e.g., *.ps) would be useful, but perhaps out of scope.

* 'make install' need to install the JPG/PNG together with the *.info
  so the Emacs info reader finds it.

* Dependency tracking for the images.  The automake manual says:

|    Sometimes an info file actually depends on more than one `.texi'
| file.  For instance, in GNU Hello, `hello.texi' includes the file
| `gpl.texi'.  You can tell Automake about these dependencies using the
| `TEXI_TEXINFOS' variable.  Here is how GNU Hello does it:
|      info_TEXINFOS = hello.texi
|      hello_TEXINFOS = gpl.texi

but I have been putting the images in the hello_TEXINFOS variable,
because it is added as a dependency for hello.texi in this
example. E.g:

info_TEXINFOS = libidn.texi
libidn_TEXINFOS = fdl.texi $(gdoc_TEXINFOS) \
        components.eps components.png components.pdf

The components.* are not texinfo files, so I guess this is wrong.
What's the right solution?

Perhaps my problem is that there is no examples on having a Texinfo
manual with images in the Automake manual.


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