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Suffixes which does not begin with a dot are not handled correctly

From: Vladimir Panov
Subject: Suffixes which does not begin with a dot are not handled correctly
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 23:06:08 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

automake (current CVS version) does not support languages which have an output extension which does not begin with a dot well. The problem is that $lang->output_extensions are not explicitly added to .SUFFIXES (instead, Automake::Rule::define adds them implicitly but separates both extensions of a suffix rule using a dot as a separator (e.g. ".idlSK.cpp" is split as ".idlSK .cpp", but not as ".idl SK.cpp")). I'd suggest that $lang->output_extensions be added explicitly to .SUFFIXES by adding a line in the last loop of register_language():

sub register_language (%)
 # Upate the $suffix_rule map.
 foreach my $suffix (@{$lang->extensions})
   foreach my $dest (&{$lang->output_extensions} ($suffix))
     register_suffix_rule (INTERNAL, $suffix, $dest);
     accept_extensions ($dest);   # the added line

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