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test failed after compile of automake

From: Arnie Stender
Subject: test failed after compile of automake
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:36:44 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2-1.3.2 (X11/20050324)

I am compiling a CLFS Pure 64 system and ran into one failed test doing a make check. The test that failed said:

XFAIL: txinfo5.test

The summary said:
1 of 531 tests failed
(36 tests were not run)
Please report to address@hidden

I am building a system using the AMD64 Athlon X2 4800+ CPU. I thought there was a program you wanted me to run and send the output but I can't find any reference to it in the README. I have saved the source directory. If you need any more information let me know.


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