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bug#8099: LaTeX and automake

From: Reuben Thomas
Subject: bug#8099: LaTeX and automake
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:24:57 +0000

Update: I've written to John to ask about copyright assignment, but
discovered in the mean time that there are one or two other authors to
talk to. I will see what John says first before considering how to

I have also butchered the current version of latexmk to remove all the
functionality automake doesn't need (previewing, printing, and various
types of customisation, some other cruft).

This has reduced the LOC (counted with cloc, so actual code) from
3,724 to 2,916 lines.

The down side is that this is still long, and there seems to be a fair
amount of cruft. The upside is that this is very well commented code
(2,000 lines of comment for the remaining 3,000 lines of ocde). There
are a lot of notes about bits of doubtful code that should also
ideally be checked and sorted out.

If it sounds like an advantage to have a butchered version even
without a copyright assignment (i.e. a fork which is designed for
integration with make rather than interactive use), then I'd be happy
to publish it. If not, then I'll wait until I work out the story on
copyright assignment, but keep using my butchered version in the mean


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