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Re: Install Bashdb and Bash not as root

From: Matthew Woehlke
Subject: Re: Install Bashdb and Bash not as root
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:38:15 -0500
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lehe wrote:
1. The change to PATH is effective only in the current shell session. I was
wondering if it is possible to run the new bash instead of the old one
everytime it is lauched in terminal, putty and in emacs. Is there a place
where the change to PATH could be added and executed before bash starts,
like ".bashrc" for when bash is lauched?

Unless you can change your login shell, no.

I maintain a GNU toolchain, including bash, on a range of platforms with wildly varying functionality (the point of the toolchain is to smooth things out so that e.g. everywhere has a decent bash, vim, etc.). What I do is set up a .profile that sets the environment for this toolchain (e.g. PATH) and ends with the equivalent of 'exec bash -l'.

So, in short, you're possibly stuck running the "old" shell, but there are ways to arrange for that to exec the new one on login.

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