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bad handling of error conditions in "type -P'

From: Linda Walsh
Subject: bad handling of error conditions in "type -P'
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2015 16:21:57 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird

I've run across several problems with how type -P returns errors.

1) if a file isn't executable, type returns it anyway in
 ls -l /sbin/scat
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 245663 Nov 19  2013 /sbin/scat
type -P scat

2) if a file is inaccessible, type still returns it an answer for
 the path of an executable named 'scat1':
 ls -l /sbin/scat1
---------- 1 root root 245663 Nov 19  2013 /sbin/scat1
 type -P scat1

3) bash "knows better" because it doesn't do this in "posix mode"

4) if it doesn't find the file it returns a status
 code meaning 'EPERM' rather than 'ENOENT'.
 (ENOENT          No such file or directory (POSIX.1))
 This is true in normal  mode or posix mode.

5) if the file is executable for root, it is still return as
 an answer for 'type -P':
 ls -l /sbin/scat2
---x------ 1 root root 245663 Nov 19  2013 /sbin/scat2
 type -P scat2

6) if bash is in posix mode it will find '/sbin/scat2'
 only if the owner is root (good), BUT for a non-root
 user, a return code of '1' is return whether it the
 file exists or not. NOTE: by 'coincidence' on linux,
 1=EPERM, which would be correct for /sbin/scat2, but
 it also returns '1' for the "ENOENT" case.

7) if the file is NOT owned by root, type -P returns
 the alien-owned file (this seems like it would be a security
 risk -- but it is also in the kernel, so bash behaving
 differently, though correct, would be inconsistent with
 the insecure behavior of the kernel:
 ls -l /sbin/ucat2
---x--x--- 1 nobody nogroup 245663 Nov 19  2013 /sbin/ucat2
 type -P ucat2     #(normal user)
# type -P ucat2     #(root user is unprotected)

1) It seems the non-posix mode should parallel the posix mode in
this case.
2) type should return 'EPERM' if it finds an executable owned
 by someone else that isn't allowed execution by the caller.
3) if no file with any executable bits is set it should return
 status 'ENOENT'.
4) Ideally root would not behave differently from the normal
 user case, since ownership by a non-priviledged user might
 indicate a security problem, HOWEVER, this should be brought
 to the attention of the kernel folks for an explanation why
 root can execute files owned by suspect users.  Perhaps
 Bash being different in this case would be a best course,
 as it is doing a path seach, while in the kernel case,
 it should only be allowed if an absolute path was given
 (with no PATH search).

I regard this as rather broken, as it gives useless, wrong
and insecure answers depending on the case. I also think
bash, having had it's behavior changed due to posix rules should
be using posix standard errno names, doesn't that make sense?

L. Walsh

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