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Re: why must bash zap last search string just because we hit ^C?

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: Re: why must bash zap last search string just because we hit ^C?
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 12:01:56 +0800

>>>>> "DR" == Dave Rutherford <dave@evilpettingzoo.com> writes:

DR> Can you run gnu screen? ^A-c will get you a new shell session in the
DR> existing terminal emulator (it will use a new terminal device, though,
DR> if that's what you care about.)

Let's pretend that I am on a gunk device on a gunk OS and all I have to
work with is this one shell and I just want to back out of my search
peacefully and resume it later with minimal ado. OK I will do ESC ESC #.

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