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Re: C++11 move semantics

From: Frank Heckenbach
Subject: Re: C++11 move semantics
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2018 22:19:02 +0100

Hans Åberg wrote:

> > On 4 Mar 2018, at 18:47, Frank Heckenbach <address@hidden> wrote:
> > 
> > Hans Åberg wrote:
> > 
> >> That version is OK. In the past, there was a C hack where the
> >> default rule action was implemented by always doing $$ = $1, which
> >> does not work with unique_ptr.
> > 
> > I remember it used to do this before every action, even
> > user-supplied actions, which was questionable.
> OK in C, as it just copied the chunk.

It would work in C, but users were advised not to rely on it.

> > But now I see, it
> > doesn't do it at all, even with no user action. This seems to
> > contradict the documentation
> > https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Actions.html
> > 
> > : If you don't specify an action for a rule, Bison supplies a
> > : default: $$ = $1
> > 
> > Is this intentional? If so, I'd have to add this action to some of
> > my rules (in some cases with std::move). Good to know this now.
> The way it should work now is providing if no explicit action is
> give, otherwise not. Before, one always got it first, before the
> eventual explicit action.

That's what I thought too, but it doesn't seem to (and it wouldn't
work with move-only types without std::move). It just seems to leave
$$ unset (i.e. default-constructed) without an explicit action.

> > But anyway, the issues with unique_ptr and other move-only types are
> > not mainly in the actions, but more in the generated code, starting
> > with the make_FOO functions. Again, I don't see that the default
> > versions in 3.0.4 support moving. Do you use another version?
> No versions support moving, and 3.0.4 may be the latest. The
> objects must be locations where it is expires, and that may not
> work well with the Bison parser.

Sorry, I don't quite understand your last sentence.

> The problem is that it isn't developed currently.
> > (In fact, after my patches, I could remove the
> > assignment operator from lalr1.cc. It was specially provided for
> > vector::push_back, but is no more needed then.)
> The Bison distributed skeleton file might change, and then yours become does 
> not benefit from that.

That's the problem: If Bison isn't developed, the skeleton file
won't change, so I could (and would have to) keep my changes
locally. But if it's developed and the skeleton file changes, I'd
like my version to benefit, so I'd like to get it integrated. If
Bison doesn't want to require C++11, my changes could be made
conditional, either with #ifdef or with m4 macros. I'd be willing to
work on that, but only if there's a point to it, i.e. if Bison is
still maintained.

> > But again, what/where is this "untyped grammar C++ parser" you
> > mentioned? I might try it, but I don't see it anywhere.
> Just don't use %union.

Actually, I'm not using %union, but "%define api.value.type variant"
just like in the calc++ example. Do you mean using an "untyped"
semantic type, i.e. a kind of variant manually? But it would still
need to be copyable, or does moveable suffice then?

> > And when you say "the typed does not work properly", are you
> > referring to lalr1.cc? What doesn't work? With the calc++ example
> > I saw no problems, but it's just a toy, of course. So if there are
> > serious problems, I'd like to know about them before I try to port
> > my parser.
> It was an issue with the variants.

Well, I read variant.hh, and I did't spot any serious problems.
Whatever the issue was, maybe it's fixed now.

A questionable decision is that it doesn't keep track of the active
variant (the typeid is stored just for debugging) and relies on
external knowledge. It works, but makes other code more complicated,
e.g. implementing move constructor/assignment for basic_symbol. If
the variant itself had a move (and optionally, copy)
constructor/assignment, this would be more straightforward.

In the long run, it might be preferable to switch to C++17 variants,
but ATM I don't actually use C++17 yet (maybe next year).

> > I think we agree here. If I'd always use shared_ptr, I wouldn't have
> > any problems since it's copyable. But as I said, I want to use
> > unique_ptr (or other move-only types) in most cases, that's why I
> > need move semantics.
> You might start with unique_ptr to see if it suffices. There is no
> Bison support for move semantics to be expected any time soon.

I do want to start with unique_ptr, but unique_ptr requires move
semantics, that's just the point.

Viele Grüße,

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