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RE: cfagent, solaris, regcomp and segmentation fault

From: Andrews, Martin
Subject: RE: cfagent, solaris, regcomp and segmentation fault
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:23:05 -0500

Sounds like a problem of the regex header and library not matching. I have
had all manner of similar trouble under NT where the core cygwin library has
its own regex implementation. Cfengine always uses its own gnuregex.h header
(I think). Make sure you are searching the ../pub/libpub.a library first.


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:38 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: cfagent, solaris, regcomp and segmentation fault

Hi all,

I'm trying to install and run cfengine 2.0.b4 on a SUN Solaris 2.6 box, and
get some troubles with cfagent. Whereas on a Linux (RedHat) 2.4.12 I have
no problem.
The complete product gets configured and compiled well (using gcc 2.95.2),
but when I run 'cfagent -v', I get a segmentation fault and a core dump. I
hacked the code to find out what was going on, and found the following :
- the problem arises when cfagent tries to define the domain class :
Solaris box is not FQDN, and cfagent tries to define undefined_domain, the
Linux is FQDN.
- the faulty line is in the function CfRegcomp : "code =
regcomp(preg,regex,cflags) ;". It looks as if the regcomp function is
writing outside the structure pointed to by preg.
I tried to change that line with the following, and it looks now ok :
int CfRegcomp (preg, regex, cflags)
   regex_t reg2 ;                         <------ added line
   code=regcomp(&reg2, regex, cflags) ;
   if (code != 0)
   *preg = reg2 ;                   <------ added line
   return 0 ;
As you can see, I use a local variable for regcomp rather than the one
provided by the function calling CfRegcomp. It looks as if regcomp is
writing outside of *preg, and thus writing in the stack and overwriting
some return address. By why doesn't it happen with a local CfRegcomp
variable ?

Can somebody tell me what's going on ?


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