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How should mixed-case hostnames be handled?

From: Bob Van Valzah
Subject: How should mixed-case hostnames be handled?
Date: 28 Apr 2003 22:58:35 -0500

I'm having trouble with VFQNAME getting set to
HostName.MyDomain.Com.mydomain.com.  I believe this is happening around
line 569 of cfagent.c in EchoValues().  I see that VDOMAIN is run
through ToLowerStr(), but I wonder if VSYSNAME.nodename should also be
run through ToLowerStr().

I've been goofy enough to assign mixed-case, fully-qualified domain
names to my hosts.  So I'm seeing things like this:

CoolDude# uname -n
CoolDude# cfagent -z
CoolDude.VanValzah.Com.vanvalzah.com  <== double domain name here

I don't know the logic of cfengine so I don't know where ToLowerStr()
should be inserted to stop this.  I'm not even sure it's a bug, but I
thought I'd report it anyway.

        Thanks for your consideration,


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