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[bug] BOF condition in keydata.cpp

From: teo
Subject: [bug] BOF condition in keydata.cpp
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 18:20:33 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.15i

There is a security issue in Keydata::Load, where a fixed length 
buffer is used to copy something from environment.

void Keydata::Load(const char *keypath, const char *environment)
        char path[512];
        char seek[33];
        char find[33];
        const char *prefix = NULL;
        char *cp, *ep;
        int fpos;

        if(*keypath == '~')
                prefix = getenv("HOME");
                strcpy(path, prefix);

       // here HOME env var can be poisoned.

also following there are more unchecked strcpy()s

thanks for the cool CommonC++ though :) it helped me to write a 
multithreaded server in a very short time and left me more time
to focus on my exercise.

best regards,
Teodor Cimpoesu

Software Developer, GeCAD Software

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