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Re: sha.cpp compiler warnings

From: Elizabeth Barham
Subject: Re: sha.cpp compiler warnings
Date: 12 Dec 2002 18:04:12 -0600

The answer may be provided here:


According to the above, any template instances that are used need to
instantiated and dll'exported prior to use, a'la what you did earlier:

extern template class __declspec(dllexport) CBase<long>;
extern template class __declspec(dllexport) CArray<long>;

Perhaps instead of:

class CCXX_CLASS_EXPORT SHADigest<unsigned __int64,64>; // new

if we were to try:

extern template class CCXX_CLASS_EXPORT SHADigest<unsigned __int64,64>;

(or just "template class..."), assuming of course that
CCXX_CLASS_EXPORT expands to "__declspec(dllexport)", it may work.

> Linking...
> digesttest.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual
> void __thiscall ost::SHADigest<unsigned __int64,64>::putDigest(unsigned char
> const *,unsigned int)" (address@hidden@_K$0EA@@ost@@address@hidden)
> Debug/digesttest.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
> Error executing link.exe.

This is similar to gcc in that gcc requires an instantiation of a
template if the template is defined in another file (or something like

Anyway, perhaps by defining it as special with the "extern template"
directive it may work.

Thank you for all your help, btw.


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