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UCommon 1.0 released

From: David Sugar
Subject: UCommon 1.0 released
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 16:21:03 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20071031)

The 1.0 release of UCommon was distributed this afternoon.  This release
includes full doxygen generated interface documentation, which may be
viewed online at http://www.gnutelephony.org/doxy/ucommon.  The
distribution tarball may be found at

This release includes support for merging existing GNU Common C++
classes into the UCommon codebase to construct a potential GNU Common
C++ 2.0.  As such it may be both the first and last complete stand-alone
"release" of UCommon as I intend to merge the two.  The 1.0 UCommon
release is hence also intended as a preview and base library set for
developing GNU Common C++ 2.0.

Some classes I plan to retain from the existing GNU Common C++ codebase
include serialization and TCP streaming classes.  I am considering doing
a simplified keydata class. Merging of other existing GNU Common C++
classes will be based on user feedback.

Some principle differences between the UCommon codebase and current GNU
Common C++ is simplified but more consistent threading model, clean
unification of IPV4/IPV6 addressing, and a much greater focus on design
patterns.  The merged codebase will support targetting both deeply
embedded targets and standard C++ use with other class frameworks.  The
build level will be controlled by configure options, and code which
requires C++ standard library support will use either the OLD_STDCPP or
NEWS_STDCPP defines.  Otherwise code can be constructed that supports
both generic and deeply embedded build targets.

I may try for a GNU Common C++ 2.0 release candidate before the end of
December.  Most likely it will use a ${prefix}/include/gnucommon header
directory for includes and libgnucommon.a library name so it can safely
coexist with earlier versions of GNU Common C++ which used include/cc++
and a libccgnu2/libccext2 library set.

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