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Re: chmod feature request: setting different modes for files and directo

From: Pádraig Brady
Subject: Re: chmod feature request: setting different modes for files and directories
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 09:38:50 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071008)

Tobia Conforto wrote:
> Dear coreutils maintainers,
> I'd like to ask for an often needed feature of chmod: the ability to set
> different modes for files and directories. I will briefly explain the
> need, and then propose a possible syntax.

current:  find some/path -type d -exec chmod g+s {} +
proposed: chmod -R d:g+s some/path

I think the find syntax is more general/known/standardized.
So I don't think this use case warrants the change.

> The same is true when someone
> extracts some files from an archive or copies them over a removable
> media, where permissions need to be reset to something sane, like 755/644:

current:  chmod -R 755 another/path; find another/path -type f -exec chmod 644 
{} +
proposed: chmod -R d:755,f:644 another/path

This case is more valid as it would be faster since you'd be traversing
the branch only once. Though again it's more syntax.
TBH I never use chmod -R (or grep -R etc.) and always use
the more general `find`.

So I'd not be inclined to make this change.


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