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[PATCH]: ls: do not show long iso time format for en_* locales

From: Ondřej Vašík
Subject: [PATCH]: ls: do not show long iso time format for en_* locales
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 15:39:48 +0200

as reported in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=525134 by
Daniel Qarras, ls -l shows iso long format for en_* locales. This is
caused by
. After that commit ls in locale time style checks if the translation
differs from defaults. If not, it fallbacks to long iso time style
format. However - for english locales is this default time style format
(same as C) expected, so the check for missing translation is wrong. 

Attached patch should fix this, allowing the default timestyle for en_*
locales. However - I guess it would be maybe better to remove the check
for possibly messed translation completely - as the default time-style
(the same as C style) could be in use in more LC_TIME styles and
fallback to C style for locales with missing translation is not that bad
behaviour (imho better than long iso style).

         Ondřej Vašík

Attachment: timestyle-enlocales.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Toto je digitálně podepsaná část zprávy

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