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bug#17103: regression: cp -al doesn't copy symlinks, but tries to link t

From: Linda Walsh
Subject: bug#17103: regression: cp -al doesn't copy symlinks, but tries to link to them (fail)
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:48:28 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird

Kees Cook wrote:
I outline some of it in the original commit:

(had already read that though not from that source)...

        It seems more like use of a blunt instrument rather
than making use of the mode bits (or DACL) on a symlink.

  As far as the given reasoning for symlink control,
I've not heard of any issues related to TOU on devices/pipes
or other file system objects that couldn't be applied to files.
I.e. Do you know why they'd blanket ban everything except

The best example of hardlink insanity is for a system were /usr/bin is
on the same partition as /tmp or /home. A local user can hardlink
/usr/bin/sudo to $HOME/sudo, and when a flaw is found in sudo, the
administrator will upgrade the sudo package. However, due to the
package manager deleting /usr/bin/sudo and replacing it, the original
sudo remains in $HOME/sudo, leaving the security flaw available for
exploitation by the local user.

    OK, then why restrict hardlinks to symlinks -- they can't
be setXID.  Same with anything other than a file.  They can't be used
in the same way.  The restrictions on 'non-files' became worse -- in that
the DACL(incl mode) is ignored.

   For files... disallow linking to setXid (or setcap) files, and
for 'icing' disallow hardlinks to/from files in world readable sticky dirs.

   Wouldn't those restrictions have given the same benefit...(focusing,
BTW, on the restrictions on hardlinks).

ToCToU races for hardlinks (like symlinks) also exist. Say some local
root daemon writes to /tmp/bad-idea.log, a local user could hardlink
(or symlink) this to /etc/passwd and destroy the system.
        In that case, should 'root's DACL override ability trump the
protections setup by the sticky-bit.  If root programs are going
to insist on using the same world-writeable sticky bits as all other
users, it seems only prudent that increased restrictions apply -- not
only to protect root, but other users --- If root can just overwrite
any file -- if that was a tmp file that is being read for final
saving in the user dir of an important file -- wouldn't that be equally

I.e. maybe root shouldn't be able to open an existing file (not owned
by root) in a sticky-dir -- but would need to move or remove it first.

Wouldn't the above restrictions accomplish the same security goals with
less impact to compatibility w/existing features?

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